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Adding to the neighbor story

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So I've been going down more often just to let the dogs have a bit of fun.

Last night I made my way down about 8:30 for the last round. I take the 4 wheeler cause it's a snowy hill and I don't want to get stuck in the car and it's to cold and dark to hike.

So I pull up climb off and all of a sudden I feel a nudge on the hiney. I quick jerk around and there's Miss Lilly. She heard the 4 wheeler so she followed me down.

I worried a bit about if she'd get along with the other dogs but she wasn't going home and neither was I. So I open the back door to let the dogs out and they have a huge meet and greet on the steps. Roscoe the old guy fell instantly in love. Meg the young female wasn't so sure so she snapped at Lil and Lil laid down. After that the chase was on. I stood out there watching the 3 of them run like idiots for 15 minutes! Best excerise I've seen those 2 get since living here.

I put them up, had some doggy treats with them and decided to bring one out to Lilly. She was so funny...what's this Mum? Should I eat it? It smells good but not sure how to eat it. I sat on the steps with her so we could figure out how to eat treats for maybe 5 minutes. Then the coyotes started going off close to our houes. So she gave me a big smooch and off she ran back to her job.


Just warms my heart this big ol'girl. Plus it gave the 2 neighbor dogs something new to do and play with.

Of course she was right on my heels this morning, we hung out for about 1/2 hour just playing in the snow. So I feel much better for the dogs.

I also noticed that Harry her outside cat came around looking for his dinner last night...I worried about Lilly for a second but she never looked interested and when I put his food out she didn't even look at it.

Yep...I love that girl-o-mine!


I still say LGD guards with intent. If a predator or strange dog has bad intent she's gonna take care of the problem if they are good and mean no harm then they are friends of the family.


Tonight all the dogs are getting speical turkey giblet juice with dinner to help celebrate the evening. I will save some for the neighbor dogs and Lilly to have thier Christmas feast together.


Merry Christmas everyone!

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She has her Mum's generous heart. :rolleyes:


She must! :D


What is an LGD? I googled it and it says Livestock Guardian Dog... It doesn't stipulate a particular breed. What breed is yours, Kristen? Sorry if I'm being dense...

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What is an LGD? I googled it and it says Livestock Guardian Dog... It doesn't stipulate a particular breed. What breed is yours, Kristen? Sorry if I'm being dense...





Lilly is an Akbash pup, about 11 months old. She probably weighs 120# or so.


Sorry that's the only picture I could find of her. That's Sam and Lilly, she's the one flopping her ears looking at the camera.

She's got a winter coat on now so double the fur and probably 20 more lbs.

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Lilly sounds like such a sweetheart, who does her job right but has a wonderful heart and playful personality! Kristen, do you still have Sam? I don't recall hearing much about him after that incident when he ran off for a couple of days and you got him back.

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Lilly is an Akbash pup, about 11 months old. She probably weighs 120# or so.


Sorry that's the only picture I could find of her. That's Sam and Lilly, she's the one flopping her ears looking at the camera.

She's got a winter coat on now so double the fur and probably 20 more lbs.



They are both BEAUTIFUL dogs!

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No Anda, I sold Sam about 2 monts ago. With both dogs together they would stray to the neighbors, really just patroling their boundries, not that big a deal except one neighbor had an issue. I really have no fencing so I'd keep one penned up at a time and they'd both stay home. But the neighbor kept talking about people shooting dogs around here which I took to mean he was going to shoot them if he saw them. I was afraid they'd both get out and get shot. Sam could scale just about anything (including 6ft fencing) and Lilly's choice was to dig under so sooner or later I knew we were in for trouble.

I waited and watched till I found the prefect home for him.

He lives with a handicapped lady (wheelchair bound) and her family on a goat farm. He helps her during the day and guards at night. It was so cool when they came to meet him, Sam was used to riding in cars cause if they'd get out I'd go pick them up but he never offered to just climb in. The family had their young son in the car with them, he opened the back door and Sam climbed right in. Family couldn't believe he was such a gentle giant and I do mean giant! I'll bet he's topping over 130 now.

So Sam and Lilly are now apart but Lilly is 100% better without him, she's never left the farm since he's been gone. She isn't penned up anymore either. And Sam isn't roaming either. They have family farm dogs but no other LGD.


If I need another dog I will wait till Lilly is over 2 that way they won't be puppies together.


Merry Christmas Everyone!

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