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Re-post Training May (HD)

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In this video, we see how May learns well from real work type situations. In fact, it becomes one of those double edged sword things like so many traits in working dogs. She quickly becomes so focused on what she views as the job that she only needs me to show her a few times and then I almost don't even need to be out there for her to do it. Her maternal grandmother, Molly, was like this so I should have recognized it early on. Not being too quick on the draw, it took me a bit longer to realize I would need to make sure I paid close attention to her ability to also be flexible to command in these situations. As I said in a later video, May is always a dog with a plan. Good when you need that, but you also need to keep a balance with flexibility to change as needed.



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The quality just keeps getting better and better!


I do have to watch this HD in fits and starts, which is funny because that doesn't seem to happen on YouTube or Netflix for me. It's worth it, though. Thank you!

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Really makes me want to get out and work. Darn this 100 degree weather. I've almost set up where I can work in the very early morning and after dusk now though - we just have to move the sheep.


I'm going to review some basics with Ted next week now. Looking at these I can see a couple things to do to tweak some weak places in our teamwork.


Thanks again for taking the time to repost these! Looking forward to the rest.

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In this video, we see how May learns well from real work type situations. In fact, it becomes one of those double edged sword things like so many traits in working dogs. She quickly becomes so focused on what she views as the job that she only needs me to show her a few times and then I almost don't even need to be out there for her to do it. Her maternal grandmother, Molly, was like this so I should have recognized it early on. Not being too quick on the draw, it took me a bit longer to realize I would need to make sure I paid close attention to her ability to also be flexible to command in these situations. As I said in a later video, May is always a dog with a plan. Good when you need that, but you also need to keep a balance with flexibility to change as needed.





Sure wish I did not have verrrrrrrrrrryyy slow dialup which allows no videos at all as I am sure would like to be able to see this. Your photos I have seen are great and no doubt your videos are just as good.





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