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Chasing runners/bikes

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One example was the first time i asked him to down outside in the park, and instead of downing he ran up to me, went down at the front, opened his mough, stuck out his long tongue, and started barking at me, and then he ran away from me at full frottle and started running around in circles as if to say 'you can sod off i'm doing as i please'.


YEP that is exactly what he was saying.

Pan knew that one as a pup too.

Must be genetic memory for border collies.


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You know when I wrote that about the geese in the river I was chuckling, but today as he swam for his stick he took a little interest in a pair of geese that headed for him. It's nesting season and the geese are getting pretty assertive. I will indeed use "leave it" when I see him tweek to the geese. Now I'm actually considering that long line too.


Thanks to all who posted.



There are these REALLY MEAN geese at the park at the university here, Muskogie geese or something, and weirdly THEIR aggression invovles shaking their back tail feathers from side to side REAL slowly, a frenzied repeat quack, and coming at you in a straight line - and the first time Pan saw them she was ENRAGED by their body language. Like she just looked at me like CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?!?!?! and started barking back. Now we have to down stay if we go to that lake... Just to calm her down. And so as not to instigate the geese. But of course anywhere we go Pan is always, always, always on leash so it's more funny than anything. I just can't believe how mean geese can be!

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There are these REALLY MEAN geese at the park at the university here, Muskogie geese or something, and weirdly THEIR aggression invovles shaking their back tail feathers from side to side REAL slowly, a frenzied repeat quack, and coming at you in a straight line - and the first time Pan saw them she was ENRAGED by their body language. Like she just looked at me like CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?!?!?! and started barking back. Now we have to down stay if we go to that lake... Just to calm her down. And so as not to instigate the geese. But of course anywhere we go Pan is always, always, always on leash so it's more funny than anything. I just can't believe how mean geese can be!


Ah, yes they can be quite mean. I've been chased by Canada geese, I've known people that have been bit by ducks and at one point, I had "pet" geese, my mom had ducks and when my dad or brother were around them they would hiss and snap at them. I had a feeling they knew who was going to be "doing them in" so to speak.


I'd agree that maybe when down by the river you did use that long line....I don't know if I'd want to be around a pissed off, nesting goose. Should your dog win, there's now dead wildlife added into the mix. Weather or not you'd get into any "trouble" over it, I don't know, but I'm sure it's frowned upon, not to mention the embarrassment....

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Most years one of the parks where I ride has a nesting pair beside one of the trails and every year even though there are warning signs up people come off their horses there. I've seen them hissing and snaking. I wouldn't want Colt to mess with one of them.

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Most years one of the parks where I ride has a nesting pair beside one of the trails and every year even though there are warning signs up people come off their horses there. I've seen them hissing and snaking. I wouldn't want Colt to mess with one of them.


I used to live right next to a small lake so am familiar with geese and no big fan of theirs (ducks I never minded). While I would steer clear a nesting goose, I always found if you showed no fear (and carried a big stick -- no, I never hit a goose) they got out of your way. They also get out of the way of a dog flying at them. When I brought home my rescue Lhasa and he was trained to listen to me, his first job was to clear my property of geese. He did such a good job that the roving gangs would steer clear of my little house and go leave their huge amounts of droppings on my neighbor's lawns and sidewalks. I guess even 15 lbs of righteous, furry indignation hurtling straight at you will make even tough geese flee. :rolleyes:

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Up here in Canada the geese have actually become a nuisance and there is a movement afoot to get rid of some of this problem. I hate to see an animal culled, but I think it may happen here. I live on the west coast and the birds are staying year round and multiplying way too fast. The population is huge and, yes, messy.


Good to hear a pup can chase them off!

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Up here in Canada the geese have actually become a nuisance and there is a movement afoot to get rid of some of this problem. I hate to see an animal culled, but I think it may happen here.


I wish they would cull Canadian geese in the US. They're under some some sort of migratory bird protection which is a laugh because many of them don't migrate more than a mile or two. More roving than anything else.


Good to hear a pup can chase them off!


Definitely, as long as they aren't protecting a nest, I'd think. The geese aren't too stupid because they catch on quick -- avoiding my house by the lake and at work, they know my car and usually decide it's a good idea to move on. But you want to have a good recall on your dog and/or a very safe environment before you set them on geese. Then it is a lovely sight indeed. :rolleyes:

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