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2009 USBCHA National Sheepdog Finals.....The BLOG!


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Hi folks,


I'd like to invite you to visit the 2009 Finals Blog. http://2009nationalsheepdogfinals.blogspot.com/


We are hoping to keep it regularly updated with "hot, off-the-press, breaking news".....as well as doing mini series with input from handlers. In the next couple of weeks, you will see pictures of the trial field....to get an idea of what 2009 holds in store for the handlers! We will also post some information about the sheep.....and maybe even a highlights of local business sponsors.


If you have your own blog.....we would love to be listed on your blog list. If you have friends with blogs...we would love to be recommended to them!


We are hoping this is a great tool to keep all handlers informed....but also to share a bit of the "experience" with new folks and those not attending as well!


Drop me a line if there is something you want to see on the blog.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you, Lora, for reminding us of this. I plan on a good read tonight as they would frown up my devouring that at work (I'm on a very short break now, so no guilt at lining this up for my evening education).


Thank you for all that you, and many others, are doing to put on a terrific national finals!

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