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Dog trains self


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My young male, Ross (14 mo), was basically put up to mature a bit more.....he was keen but immature...somewhat pressure sensitive. I was busy with puppies and short winter days made working him difficult anyway.


So 6 weeks later, I take him to work.....away from home, on fresh undogged lambs that were not flocking well. I had this feeling that he learned (or "came into") a tremendous amount of his genetic "destiny".


Video 1




Video 2



Video 3



I can see him cast a bit wide in reaction to pressure but when his name is called, or he is stopped, he comes back on. This casting out is somewhat in the line but usually goes away if I'm diligent about stopping the dog and bringing him back in.


I suppose I reflect back to starting Ross at 10-11 months and could have persevered in "training" him....but due to my schedule and a little feeling that he wasn't quite ready, Ross was put up for 2 months and he's ended up just naturally "having" what I might have tried to train into him. Just a reminder to myself (and maybe others) to give these youngsters some time.

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Jett says "Go big bro!"




He looks great!


So should I feel less bad about giving Jett time? :rolleyes:


Jett's going away to be started soon. She's seen sheep five times and I have felt until very recently that she was too mentally immature to handle serious training, but that obviously wasn't based on experience training stockdogs, just from living with her and seeing her reactions to sheep change over time.

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