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I just wanted to stop and and says Hello o everyone. I have been reading around the boards for a few weeks and I finally decided to post. Also, I wanted to get your opions on my dog Stolichnaya. We call her Stoli, but my wife who works at the vet decided to offically make her name Stolichnaya.


When we adopted her from the SPCA, they told us she was a German Sheppard mix. However, nines months later I am pretty sure she is border collie. She is now 1 1/2 years old and weights 45 lbs. Other than her size and coloring I have listed below some of the reasons why


- she has unlimited engery

- she gives me the border collie stare if I don't throw her toy right away while playing fetch

- she is very smart - almost too smart

- she tries to herd me and my wife, plus at the dog park this weekend she and an australian shepherd herded a group of docsons from a local rescue


These are just a few of the things I could think of right now. I have also posted a picture of her below. So what do you guys think?


She is a great dog and we try to give her the best home she could ask for. Especially since she was given up twice before us.





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Her markings are a-typical, and from general conformational clues I'd say that she's certainly a mix, but hey, if she walks like a BC, and acts like a BC, well, you're in the right place!



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Welcome and bless you for giving your lovely Stoli a great third and final home!

I don't personally see much border collie there, but as Tranquilis says, there could be some collie in the mix.

Regarding the behaviours, I think the stare and the "herding" that you describe can be fairly common behaviours among many high-drive dogs, of which you apparently have one (grammar :rolleyes: ). And GSDs are from the herding group, after all, but are now used mostly for other things (like security, search and rescue, etc.) The intelligence -- well, she must be bc then! :D

Whatever she is, she's lovely and has found a great place to call home :D


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