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Hi to everyone out there, I look forward to a long and happy friendship with you all.


I have a rescue pup who is 9 weeks old and she is utterly adorable


When I intially rang the rescue centre they told me they had a litter of unwanted "collies" that had come in that day. Having searched for a puppy/young dog for several weeks I couldn`t believe my luck. We rushed over, saw her, fell in love and took her home there and then


When I took her for her first vacs the vet advised me that she was unlikely to be a true Collie due her being in a rescue centre and an unwanted litter.


I dont mind a bit whether she is a true Collie or not (although she does look very much like one) but the problem I have is do I train her as a collie or just as a `normal dog` I ask this because reading some of your posts a Collie needs to be trained in a certain way and

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Speaking for my BC mix, who is also a rescue, I'd say go ahead and treat her as if she's a BC. It can't hurt, and I know my BC mix got the brains of a BC and the personality of a lab (or some of it, anyway). It seems like the BC genes tend to rule in him though, he's so incredibly smart.


You're in for a lifetime of fun! We've only had Jacko for 3 months but already he's changed our lives and I can't imagine not having him. He is so incredibly smart and so sweet, he's just a joy, and I know you'll find the smae with your pup.



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by collie I am assuming you mean a Border Collie and not just a Collie.


Any dog would not be hurt by being trained like a border collie. I trained my shih tzu that way and everyone comments on how great she is. So go ahead and train her like a ture BC - it can't hurt and it might bring out more of the border collie that you know is in there!


oh, and Welcome and congrats on the pup! We would love to see pics of that adorable fur ball if you got any. :rolleyes:

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