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tension, balance, pushy, tension, pushy...


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I am just back after a great lesson with my dog. I now know for sure that I need some sort of 12 step program to STOP THE MADNESS. My POOR dog. MY GOD. I never realized what how much I was just upping the tension for her- I mean, almost palpably. I believe I need to do some yoga before I walk out there, and my dog needs a beer. Poor thing. Well, you know what they say- the first step to correcting something- is knowing you are doing it wrong.



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Julie - You and I are probably in the same boat. Sometimes I feel like I am incredibly calm and folks will make comments on my tension. I hate to feel what I am like when I can feel my tension. It must be often unbearable to my dog and has probably contributed to his anxiety levels (and he is an anxious dog to begin with).


What about doing yoga and having a beer? I don't drink and I'm too fat for yoga, so you've got the advantage on me in both forms of relaxation.

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A Honey Brown in hand, as I walk on to the field with my dog. I walk over to the settee, sit down on one side, my dog in the other. I swig, er- sip my beer, and close my eyes. Then begin the oms. Lots of oms. Then, I open my eyes, and look ahead. Dog should by now be looking at me with rapt attention. Then, before I get up, I crack my neck left, then right. Stretch my lower, upper, and core. Then a deep breath. Breathe in, breath out. Breathe in breathe out. Then, if the sheep haven't been attracted to my contortions, I walk out to the small rise, with my dog. who is calm, and wondering why said handler is so happy- so unlike normal sheep work... Then, we see the sheep. Then we sit. Yep, just sit and look at them, and then, if the stars are aligned properly, and my demeanor is that of someone who just had a nice cool beer, and felt the warmth of the sun, and the worries just fall away from me, then, and only then, I send her. I don't say it hyper-ly, I don't yell it, I calmly say "away". I watch as my dog who is cool as a cucumber, perhaps a bit quizzitive as to why said handler is behaving so uncharacteristically zennish, kicks out as her genes tell her, and comes up behind the sheep, kissing the bubble, ever so gently, as the sheep leave from their place, not unlike a boat leaving it's mooring, while my dog remains steady and true like it's wake, I smile a little smile. I realize then and there, that it isn't what me or my dog are doing or not doing, it is how WE ARE in the whole dance. The dance is not one partner plus the other, it is two partners making music together.

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As I might have mentioned, I don't drink but I'd expect a beer or two might make it easier for some of us "more tightly wound" folks to make music with our dogs. Or, at least, to not worry quite so much when we don't.


I loved your description - it just about put me to sleep, being calm, ommm-ing, porch swing, and all. Made me think, who cares about the sheep anyway, it's a nice day to sit in the sun and meditate. After all, when I'm just thinking about it is when my dog and I have our best runs. It's when it actually happens and real life and reality intrude, that it begins to spiral downwards.

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I think that for me, it's the whole perception of what I think what will, or will not happen, and the self fulfilling prophecy of it all. If I can remain calm, and remember that my dog knows her job- and it is I who causes most wrecks- by my tense body/voice, or just plain stupidity, we are ahead of the game. In fact, one of the times Lucy did pretty okay at a trial, I ran her like I didn't "care"- though I did- just asked her for what I needed without the emotion, and she did it. By God, I will no longer act like an extra from one flew over the cuckoo's nest. I am going to act like Forest Gump- by golly- he always seemed to be happy....

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I just tried Denise's suggestion of the Zen Sheep Hold at the end of a gather. Once I sorted out some willing volunteers and found a place on the field where they wouldn't dash hither and thither Just Because - it worked beautifully. I highly recommend it.


We settled the sheep and I told Ted he was being very charming. I looked at the sheep I had and told Ted about every one, what babies they had had this year - and how I was hoping to keep a ram from Groucho next time to raise as a replacement for his daddy - and how annoyed I was that Groucho had gotten herself knocked up by the worthless horned katadhin ram last year, and - oh, not so zen thoughts there - hey, where's everyone going!?!?


But, working at Robin's today, my problem was Not Getting Mad Enough. Ted decided that since Mom was tired from the work day that he could do anything he darn well pleased and by George apparently he was right. :rolleyes: I was in blah I don't care mode and he got away with being horrid if not downright dangerous. Lesson learned. Channel Alisdair even when you're tired, or in a hurry, or in front of people and feeling self-conscious. "Channel Alisdair" is our shorthand for Ted. Must. Follow. Every. Command. No. Matter. What.

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