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Getting Started with Disc Dog

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Was just wondering what anybody could tell me about getting started with disc dog? I'm somewhat interested in participating in this event, but don't know anything about it. Can anybody fill me in? :rolleyes:

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Disc Dog is the coolest dog sport EVER! Tons of information can be found here: http://k9disc.com/speak/?sid=42a460155d24e...a12501ab4a2cc2c (as I understand it, this is basically discdogger central.


If you're just getting started playing with the disc, my club (MNDDC) has a great beginner instructional video here: http://wazgear.blip.tv/file/106778/


The best way to get started is to find a local club and get involved. My club hosts playdates where we all help each other train our dogs and we are always happy to help new people get started. The cool thing about Disc is that pretty much anything goes. It's not like obedience or agility where you have to follow a set course and do specific things. You make it up as you go along--it's your art!


Also, I don't remember how old your pup is, but if he/she is less than a year and a half, watch that you don't do too much jumping with him/her. You don't want to injure his developing joints.


PM me if you want to chat more!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ooh I'd like to know that too, Ive got a new puppy comin in and Disc dog sounds like a wonderful thing to teach her. but we'll keep it small though.

I am just curious that once we get started, and she is about a year and a half, how do I teach flips, jumps, etc.


Good Luck,


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There are lots of different ways to teach flips, overs. vaults, etc. Disc placement (where and how you throw the frisbee) is hugely important for these types of tricks. In the mean time, work your pup on the basics and get them solid first--drive, retreiving, catching, etc. You can work on some of the "ground work" tricks like spinning, rolling over, and leg weaving too and get your pup used to doing tricks to get the disc. The websites I mentioned have lots of good info on all of these things and finding a local club with experienced members to help you out is invaluable.

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Thanks for starting this thread... I just recently started playing frisbee with Jersey and she loves it.


I have a question about jumps and age... Jersey is just over a year old now. I don't do any crazy flips or turns, she just jumps in the air a couple of feet and lands. Should I take it easy with her, or do you think she is ok?

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I'm not sure what the exact age is that it's considered "safe" to do a lot of jumping. I know some people who say one year, others are more cautious. I suppose a vet could tell you the age at which a dog's bones are generally fully developed. I would say at a year it's ok to start doing some jumping--you probably don't want to go crazy just yet, but some jumping is probably fine.

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I just started discdog a few months ago (tho River's been catching all her life) and one of the best ways was to watch YouTube videos - you can watch tricks over and over and get lots of ideas.


Read the rules on Skyhoundz.com - one of the most popular orgs. There's really only 2 sets of 'classes' (Distance & Accuracy, aka D/A; and Freestyle which is the 'tricks' part plus a round or 2 of D/A) so it's pretty easy to understand - you can also find events closest to you on their site and just show up - it's free to participate too.


I think the Hyperflight Jawz discs are the best as well - though River started learning with a floppy disc when she was little. :D


I think the same rules apply for dog's age as agility - around 1 year and start out slow with the leaping, etc. Need time to build muscles, flexibility, etc. :D And the better more accurately you can throw, the safer your dog is, so practice w/ a human too :rolleyes:

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