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Another Wick brag

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Well, Wick finally proved to everyone that she is indeed MADC - as in Masters Agility Dog of Canada! She got the last Q on Saturday with a somewhat hectic, yet clean and fast, run. Wick is now about 7, and may be in her teens before she gets her ATChC (stupid gamblers!) but that's ok - it's been a fantastic journey so far. I just love running this dog, she just loves running for me. What more could one ask for (aside from 3 gamblers Qs)?


Yay, Wicky! I always knew you were insane, and now we have the title to prove it!

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Yay for Wicked! We are hoping to get there this summer, if Tweed's mystery limp ever resolves itself. We have skipped 3 months worth of trials to try and rest him up for Regionals. I wanted to get his MAD before I dropped him to Specials ... but too late.


Gamblers we already have - Standard is where we are failing! Yay Wick!



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That's fantastic! Excellent job, Wick!

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Wick says thank you to everyone on their kind wishes. She currently is nestled on the couch, probably admiring her ribbon (before it disappears into the box under the bed).


Like I said, it wasn't our best work, but we'll take it! When you have as low a Q rate as we have, you can't be choosy about what videos you post, so here it is,

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