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Does your Border Collie talk to you?

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Yup, sing alongs in our house get a little out of control. His brother also howls, but not as loud as Jackson. They both go off when you say "Mooo" like a cow and used to howl whenever they saw each other after a long time apart. Weird little dogs. It is the one command that is 100% lol.

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Ceana thinks she can talk. She can probably understand English to the extent that I understand her lol. She has different noises for different things... my favorite being the "really, are you serious, wtf?!" noise. It is an AARROU noise with an upwards inflection at the end. I talk to my dogs non-stop so it doesn't surprise me that she feels vocalization is the proper way of communicating. My parents were cracking up last weekend when we went to visit and she "talked," to them non stop. She is a tattle tale and will come up to you exasperated by something Poke is doing and Arrou and GRR and Bark and everything you can imagine to try and tell you what naughty thing he is up to. :rolleyes:

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Millie has this sort of rumbling grunt/purr. To people who don't know her well, it sounds like a growl and they jump up like she's going to bite them. She does it when I'm giving her a massage or doing T-Touch, etc., and also when something happens when she wants to express her displeasure, LOL.

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