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He Loves it! He doesn't love it!

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Over the weekend, Dean participated in his second Freestyle competition and his very first Agility trial.


I was disappointed on Saturday at the Freestyle competition - not because of his performance, which was much improved over his performance in November, but because he really didn't enjoy himself.


He loves dancing at home and in class. He enjoys demos where the audience is right up near him. Freestyle competition seems to freak him out a bit.


While we are going to continue to train, I am giving him a break from Freestyle competition. I may be rushing him right now and he really might not be ready.


The Agility trial was a whole 'nother story! Maaaan! He LOVED it! We train in a building that is very small so our courses are always tight. He had a blast running flat out on the course in trial!


I am going to have to find a way to practice with him in an area that's more spread out because handling is very different in that situation!


Still, he has tons of potential and his enthusiasm was just too fun. He actually stayed "with me" the whole time - he was just "with me" at about 5 - 15 feet away! I need to learn to direct him from a distance, but I'm looking forward to Dean and I learning together.


Maddie was my qualifying star of the weekend. Speedy missed his Freestyle Q by one tenth of a point, but he did give his best performance, ever! Maddie Q'ed in both of her runs in Agility on Sunday! :rolleyes:


It was a busy weekend, but a fun one!

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BTW, if anybody knows of any good videos on distance handling, I'd love suggestions!

I really enjoyed Stacy Peardot Goudy's Go the Distance books. I haven't seen the DVDs but I've heard that they are very good too.


Wick really hasn't done much reading re: distance work. I leave the book out for her, but I think she's reading In Style or any of the other mags. :rolleyes: Distance work *definitely* isn't our forte!

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Wick really hasn't done much reading re: distance work. I leave the book out for her, but I think she's reading In Style or any of the other mags. :D Distance work *definitely* isn't our forte!


Oh, Dean would read them. He's such a scholarly type. :rolleyes:

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Sounds like a good weekend, Kristine - well done.


I had to learn to work my fast little girl at a distance - and I second the Stacy Peardot-Goudy recommendation. I have both her DVDs - and I was lucky enough to attend a 4 day seminar with her in January, while she was in Australia. I love the way she teaches, and the way she handles.

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