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Our first Rally group fun day

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My instructor thought I was ready. :rolleyes: That will show her. We got there right on time. About 20 dogs were present and we were the greenest of the green. Some of the people were working off leash and every breed you could think of was there. Only one Aussie and one other BC handled and trained by a very old woman. Very well trained. They just started up going very fast-no signs and when he gave the 270 to the left- I saw everyone looking at me. I quickly made a joke saying "you all are going in the wrong direction" Broke the tension. Usher was looking at me for help- at least he was well focused. I, however was as confused as he was. Then we called out numbers 1,2,1,2 etc. and the 1's all did something going a different direction while the 2's were doing something else. This was clearly NOT a place for beginners. Everyone was so nice, though. When it came to basic obedience parts we did very well. The novices, that be me with him. Did the downs and sits and the Open people did their downs and sits and Usher didn't break his one inch. I think all but one novice dogs did and they were thowing squeaky toys and had a puppy walking around for great distractions. I think next Sunday I won't be so confused. They even played a game called musical dogs, where your dogs had to sit-stay in a circle then everyone called a front and the dog who had the fastest and best front won.

Like I said, no signs and the hour we were there was very confusing my first time, but also very FUN. Have ANY of you gone to a practice like this before?

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Like I said, no signs and the hour we were there was very confusing my first time, but also very FUN. Have ANY of you gone to a practice like this before?


I haven't. Every Rally class and practice I've ever done has used signs!

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Yep- no signs. I was so lost- :rolleyes: but ......chalk it up to one fun day for me and my dog- PLUS!!! Usher actually looked for me for help- (if you would have looked down the other end of the leash ....would have been the same thing) we were soooooooo lost.

It reminded me of my first "Line dance lesson-with 2 left feet-LOL"

I just enjoy my dogs - we try each sport- sometimes we do well, sometimes, well.........we don't , but we keep trying as long as we enjoy it.

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