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Um, I think my lambs might be too fat. :rolleyes: I've never been into wool, but after four years of using BFL rams over my formerly lightly wooled flock, I seem to have quite a lot of it.


The field my lambs are in has some old furrows, and they keep cowping themselves in the holes. So far I haven't had to rescue anyone, but I'm starting to get a little nervous about this.


Seriously, are they too fat? They don't seem to be, but I've never been sure on what is right for a ewe lamb because the last few years I've ended up breeding them. These should not be bred and I'd call them on the high side of three-ish.


What else can I do to ameliorate the situation? Besides shearing them - it's ridiculous, this is only nine months worth of wool!

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Ewww. Okay, that's a possibility. They are scratching quite a bit, but I thought it might be the warm weather. I've got to move some of them anyway so I'll check them while I'm doing that. I'm using Ted, so this should be interesting! It's been so dry I didn't bother to Ivomec them this year.

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You may need to shear your wool sheep to "cure" the problem. I've never had good success using Delice, etc. when the sheep are in full wool (or you may want to repeat the treatment when they are shorn). Also, it's recommended that you apply the lice treatment and then repeat it again in 2 weeks (I believe this is the interval).



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Ive not used it, so I dont know if it would help, but does anyone know if using seven dust would kill them? I know folks use it to kill off fleas, but not sure about lice.

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Well, no lice. And I did look it up and yes, I was mistaken about the ivermectin. I thought that was maybe why I've never had a problem with it. I'm thinking maybe the heat still.

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Ive not used it, so I dont know if it would help, but does anyone know if using seven dust would kill them? I know folks use it to kill off fleas, but not sure about lice.


Hmmm, using rock music to kill the lice, huh? That's a new one :D Any particular songs? Sorry, couldn't help it :rolleyes:

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Hmmm, using rock music to kill the lice, huh? That's a new one Any particular songs? Sorry, couldn't help it


You mean theres a rock group named 7 Dust these day!? I gotta stop listening to so much talk radio! Anda, I use to know all the rock groups! Now yer making me feel old! :D Wish I could name the name of a group that would make you feel to young, :rolleyes: .....but they're all well known rock legends now! ( legends?? :D ) *#*#, Id better quit while Im ahead.

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Hey, at least you are still up at 1:00 am! I was feeling pretty old earlier, thinking seriously about hitting the hay at 10:00 = about the time my kids did. My kids are staying up later and later and I'm pooping out earlier and earlier. And it's pretty bad because I'm a night person. Health problems don't help of course but still.

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Didnt have much choice in staying up, got a 12 yr old boy, and though he hasnt found girls to be attractive yet, (thank God) he has found the prospect of being able to stay up way late for the New Year attractive and insists that I join in. Besides, gotta kill this bottle of Bailey's. Though It'll probably give me health problems come morning! Happy New Year to you and Yours Becca!..... Darci

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