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Putting "windows" in a portable crate

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Since Belle had just about outgrown the smaller carrier I was using for car transport, and I didn't want to risk her chewing up my car (at least until it's entirely paid for), I came up with this.


I bought a larger pet carrier that fit length and width in the back seat of my Saturn Ion, but unfortunately completely blocked the rear view window and passenger side "blind spot" area.


My fella cut out "windows" in each side and the back of the carrier and we attached plexiglass in the openings. Used screws, washers and those little acorn nut things to attach it (with the acorn nuts on the outside). Works just great, I can see out the back and side car window now, and Belle seems to really enjoy being able to see more too!


Here's the top of the crate with the "windows" cut out:



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Maggie, the first time I tried driving at night without the "windows" in the carrier, I misjudged the distance of oncoming traffic and almost had a car run up my tailpipe. The car honking and the middle finger salutes of the 4 passengers of the car that passed me convinced me I better do something asap! I needed to be able to see out that back window!

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I did something close to that to mine. When I had Black Jack's crate in the back of the excursion he would cry and paw at the door because he could hear me but couldn't see me. So I copied the size and shape of the oblong holes in the side and cut the same holes in the back on it. So he pretty much has a 360 view. He hasn't once cried or pawed since.


He did good work on it though. It looks like it ame that way. Be careful, someone might try to take it.

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