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Right hind leg


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Hello all, Cooper is 1 yr. and i am noticing that he has a limp in his right hind leg after playing fetch or on his feet for a certain amount of time it doesnt bother him to the point where he is showing pain. I am just wondering if anybody has had the same problem or any ideas of what could be causing it thanks.


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Hello all, Cooper is 1 yr. and i am noticing that he has a limp in his right hind leg after playing fetch or on his feet for a certain amount of time it doesnt bother him to the point where he is showing pain. I am just wondering if anybody has had the same problem or any ideas of what could be causing it thanks.


That is very vague. You really need to go see your vet.

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Stop exercising him and take him to a vet would be my suggestion. It could be a simple sprain or strain or it could be the start of a something like a cruciate ligament problem. The earlier these things are identified the more options you usually have for treating it. The less chronic these things become the more chance you have for an uncomplicated recovery. Running would not be helping the healing process and could be doing more damage.



Speaking form the experience of 2 cruciate ligament surgeries and a bicep tendon strain in my dogs!

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