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He may not be a BC, but he enjoys learning just as much!

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So, I came home from college this weekend to take Zeke to a rally run-thru tomorrow and I figured I should get some practice in so we don't make fools of ourselves (although people enjoy when we do....we're great entertainment :rolleyes:)


Boy was he HYPER! It's 20degrees cooler than usual, raining for the first time in months, AND I came home to visit. I iddn't get any videos of him doing agility in the dark because...well....it was dark. I only brought out the weaves but I had him doing pretty well. Sometimes he's a little too goofy and pops out to come bonce on me before he's supposed to (he's bouncy). This time I had him doing extreme weave-entry angles and then I'd run off 20ft to the left or the right and leave him to do the weaves by himself while I ran away - he did GREAT :D


Here are some videos from attempting to practicing inside in the living room(it's a bit cramped for a 70lb dog to practice). We were doing some basic rally-ish stuff and just having fun.


All 3 videos are very similar (he's wet and dirty, btw, from playing in the rain):









We're a little out of practice, but he was having fun.

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