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Do any of your BC's do this?

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post-7621-1189182767_thumb.jpgBree has been with us since June 14th. She's been to obedience school and has learned numerous words, phrases and commands. She's an awesome dog and really smart. She wouldn't even fetch a ball when we got her from the rescue. She is now playing frisbee and loves it! We play with her every afternoon for about an hour outside as long as it's not raining. It's rained only once since we've gotten her and that was a few days ago. She sulked because she couldn't go out and play. We play with her inside but of course nothing is as great as frisbee. She does this weird and really funny thing at the same time every night. It's usually within 15 minutes before or after 8 pm. She will sit up on the couch beside me and give me and my husband this weird look. (That's how we know it's coming) She will do this little bark and no matter what I say she will bark back at me or do her "friendly growl" and jump around. She makes the funniest noises! If you say you don't want to play she insists and will pounce on me. If I push her off and say no she'll do it all over again. At first I was really stern with her and made her settle down and sometimes put her in her kennel for a few minutes. After we figured out she wanted to play and wasn't just trying to be dominant it became a game to her. She is so hilarious! Do any of you have BC's that do weird things like that? Sometimes I think she just does it to make us laugh! Of course since she's being funny she gets her way, and she knows it!
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Guest LJS1993
post-7621-1189182767_thumb.jpgBree has been with us since June 14th. She's been to obedience school and has learned numerous words, phrases and commands. She's an awesome dog and really smart. She wouldn't even fetch a ball when we got her from the rescue. She is now playing frisbee and loves it! We play with her every afternoon for about an hour outside as long as it's not raining. It's rained only once since we've gotten her and that was a few days ago. She sulked because she couldn't go out and play. We play with her inside but of course nothing is as great as frisbee. She does this weird and really funny thing at the same time every night. It's usually within 15 minutes before or after 8 pm. She will sit up on the couch beside me and give me and my husband this weird look. (That's how we know it's coming) She will do this little bark and no matter what I say she will bark back at me or do her "friendly growl" and jump around. She makes the funniest noises! If you say you don't want to play she insists and will pounce on me. If I push her off and say no she'll do it all over again. At first I was really stern with her and made her settle down and sometimes put her in her kennel for a few minutes. After we figured out she wanted to play and wasn't just trying to be dominant it became a game to her. She is so hilarious! Do any of you have BC's that do weird things like that? Sometimes I think she just does it to make us laugh! Of course since she's being funny she gets her way, and she knows it!



Yes, Freckles does that alot. She is kind of like our alarm clock sometimes with her big eyes and cool bark and growl. As for dominant, I never even saw it that way. I think some people, not you, but some are paranoid about "dominance".

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Starr absolutely KNOWS when it's time for her before-bed cookie. She sits next to the counter where the treat jar is and laser eyes me. It's a good thing, too, because it's not a habit I had before she came here and I would often forget if she was not as faithful as the sun in reminding me.

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When Jack was younger, he'd get what we call the 9 o'clock zoomies every night. Seriously, like clockwork, right around 9:00 PM. It'd start with him throwing himself on the floor, rolling over on his back, then quickly jumping up and running laps around the living/dining rooms. It was like he had contained himself as long as he could, and he couldn't take it another minute. :rolleyes: We usually went out for a quick game of frisbee in order to preserve our furniture.


Anyway, I'm glad you figured out Bree was just looking for some fun. :D

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Guest WoobiesMom

Woobie's wild time is 8:00 pm. During the summer, it was great because we were usually at the dog park at that time, so it didn't matter. But now with sunset coming earlier, I can count on "the stare" around that time and the attempts to engage the cat in play by swallowing his head! :rolleyes: We can't get that 2nd dog soon enough, they can zoom themselves silly!

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I love Bree's markings....she's beautiful. Of course, I'm partial to the split face. And those little black splashes on her face, like the eyeliner slipped. :rolleyes: Lacee does silly things all the time. She makes me laugh. She likes to talk, not bark, but like she's trying to say words. We'll just be sitting there and she'll walk right up and start talking. She also knows my husband's ring tone. She'll hear the phone and come running to let me know Daddy is calling. As soon as I hang up, she's watching out the window, knowing he's on his way home. The only bad part is when he's out of town and calls, she'll sit forever waiting and finally gets sad that he's not home. :D


Have fun with Bree.


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