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Fantastic Book

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I am reading a new book called "Control Unleashed" by Leslie McDevitt. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who has a dog that isn't perfect all the time in training situations!!


I'm only 3 chapters into the book and I'm blown away. She has amazing insight.


Speedy, Dean Dog, and Maddie are all going to benefit from the techniquest that she puts forth in this book!!

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I am reading a new book called "Control Unleashed" by Leslie McDevitt. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who has a dog that isn't perfect all the time in training situations!!


I'm only 3 chapters into the book and I'm blown away. She has amazing insight.


Speedy, Dean Dog, and Maddie are all going to benefit from the techniquest that she puts forth in this book!!


Dear Kristine

You certainly seem to like this book. We have a recently (5 months) rescued red border and she is coming along quite well with exception on coming too near people or more importantly to me. She is not scared except in the house. SHe now loves to play baseball only not throwing the ball but the whole bat Barry Bonds thing but 3 things are happening; 1. she doesn't like to bring it back; she won't come back n the yard unless The Fabulous Ms. Leslie calls/coaxes her in. She has made huge leaps from the whipped and caged critter she was to wanting to come in the house or wanting to come to me and rthe words ready for baseball gets her going but now she needs to have some corrective action. I ahvebeen letting her run the baseball show because it made her exercise which made her hungry which made her eat which gave her better health and more vitamins/minerals for mental and physical development. It has been working but now I need to break through. Winter will be here soon and the snow will make baseball a tad difficult. deep snow no ball. No interest in Frisbee yet though if the cows stay here this winter then I can work her a bit on them if she will not pretend to be deaf or just a Gemini LOL. I have looked and bought many books videos etc but they alll deal with dogs that are not in special ed. Does this book cover that kind of detail? I ahve been to the http://www.fearfuldogs.com/index.html page and it haas been very helpful but I think I need more details and ideas. Ellie is now about 15 months but probably about 6-8 months mentally as this is what PTSD does to any animal even humans. We ahve 15 acres to run her in and she has a 1/2 fenced yard with trees, grass, water and a very helpful cat. Sorry aboutthe rambling reply but if this book addresses the fearful dog in more detail than some I'll have it ASAP



Norwood, CO USA

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Actually, for what you describe, I would go with "Click to Calm" by Emma Parsons. Control Unleashed is really geared more toward preparation for competition and not really fear in general.


I would also recommend clicker work in general for a dog like yours. If you got your dog into some mental activity, it would probably help her not to be so wrapped up in baseball.


Also, you express concern about her "running the show". Clicker gives you a way to run the show that is 100% non-confrontational, which is really important with a fearful dog.


So, I would probably recommend Melissa Alexander's "Click for Joy" and Emma Parsons "Click to Calm" in your case. For fear, I would also recommend Ali Brown's "Scaredy Dog".

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