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Getting started again

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Jackson is a 2 1/2 yr. old male. I have tried him twice in beg. novice and he seems to me like he is just bored out of his mind at all the slow walking. I had already started him on long outruns, (in the big pasture) when we stopped and concentrated on him getting the beg. novice gig down. When the lessons for the beginning novice would begin, he was just too "eager". It took probly 5 rounds before he settled enough to do the run. But, when at a trial, he waits his turn, drooling for the sheep, then he has just those few min. with the sheep. It seems to me that he feels slighted and like I said, it is boring to him. I have decided to forgo beg. novice for him. I want to start up lessons again with him, and this weekend there will be a clinic. He knows dir. cues, he has a "natural" pear shaped out run, and he has a good lie down/stop. He is great at walking up also to lead the sheep where they need to go. My question is, since there will be limited time with the sheep this weekend, at this point, what would be the best thing to work on with him? Before we stopped with him before, he was able to go gather the sheep and bring them to me. That was pretty much it. I hope I am clearer in what I want to know than it seems to me!

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Jackson is a 2 1/2 yr. old male. I have tried him twice in beg. novice and he seems to me like he is just bored out of his mind at all the slow walking. I had already started him on long outruns, (in the big pasture) when we stopped and concentrated on him getting the beg. novice gig down. When the lessons for the beginning novice would begin, he was just too "eager". It took probly 5 rounds before he settled enough to do the run. But, when at a trial, he waits his turn, drooling for the sheep, then he has just those few min. with the sheep. It seems to me that he feels slighted and like I said, it is boring to him. I have decided to forgo beg. novice for him. I want to start up lessons again with him, and this weekend there will be a clinic. He knows dir. cues, he has a "natural" pear shaped out run, and he has a good lie down/stop. He is great at walking up also to lead the sheep where they need to go. My question is, since there will be limited time with the sheep this weekend, at this point, what would be the best thing to work on with him? Before we stopped with him before, he was able to go gather the sheep and bring them to me. That was pretty much it. I hope I am clearer in what I want to know than it seems to me!


Since you are going to a clinic this weekend, it would probably be best to discuss this with the clinician. She/he will be in a much better position to give you guidance. Good luck at the clinic.

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