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lucy's first big girl outrun


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Today, in the nice temps and windy conditions (good for no bugs!) I decided to work Lucy. She has been in a weird frame, and I couldn't quite figure it out. I think I did today. I believe by doing the same things over and over and over, I have pretty much diluted the work enough, that Lucy is quite bored- oh, she covers her sheep, but let's just say walkabouts are, um, BORING. Can't say as I blame her. I did something different today in that I am starting to try and teach her how to drive, which is going okay so far. She thinks THAT is neat. I down her, ask her to walk up, she does and the sheep move off. She lies down when asked and I send her. She does very very very nice outruns- small, but clean and honest. This is a contrast to the usual repetitive stuff where she tries to make it interesting. Anyway, the point of all of this, was that since I was thinking outside the box, I decided I would go ahead, and send her from one end of the field, to the other after the sheep. It is a LOOOONG distance, and I really didn't know what she would do- since her confidence was rocked by the other sheep. Anyway, I sent her. She kicked out without me having to say anything, and when she got down to them, she continued past (a big thing for a heading dog who is high), and stayed behind until they made the turn from heading toward the fence, to heading to me. That began the fetch. She not ONCE went for the heads to stop them- she stayed off enough to keep them on a straight line to me. When she got the sheep to me, the look on her face was one of sheer exhileration. She was as psyched as I was. This is big. It really really made my day. I am beginning to learn about my dog, and her ability to do the work- regardless of how much "training" I think she needs.



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She did on the first time, and then we started doing them a LOT and well, I do believe that she decided to make them interesting. I think less but bigger will be good. Of course if she gets too close, or dis-honest on her approach- back to the basics (which will really stink for her).


ps: and yes, it was a big smile :rolleyes: That is the one thing I wished some day to do with Lucy- to just send her and have her get the sheep....


you know, maybe Lucy had a "built in" out run. I've had several with that. It's good you let go and gave her some space- I can see the smile on your face from here!!!!
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