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Camp Dogwould or

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Okay, not really :D Camp Dogwould is a weekend camp where we get to try out different things with our dogs. This is our 6th year and we have always had fun. This year, we tried our hand (or is that nose??) at SAR.

The final training session on Sunday morning was a 'murder' scene. The SAR instructor had placed some of the chemical used to train cadaver dogs in our test area. Our job was to find some articles in the search area then have our dogs look for the cadaver scent on some rocks. We were supposed to observe our dogs closely. Easier said than done!! However, Jazz was really good. We found one of the articles then he checked the rocks. He was intent on one so I lead him away as the instructor asked, then brought him back. HE SAT DOWN right at the rock. We didn't know where the scent was until we all had our turn. Only Jazz and one other dog were successful :rolleyes: We got the 'Most improved' ribbon - solely because I figured out what he was saying - HE knew what he was doing :D

All in all, it was another great weekend at Dogwould. As for SAR training - I don't have any inclination to spend the hours and hours required. Hats off to those of you who do this work!

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Hi Kris


Just getting round to catching up reading. That camp sounds like a lot of fun - for dogs and handlers. It would be so interesting to sample some totally different activities - and as you say, it gives you an idea of what's involved, so you can decide whether that would interest your dog and you, or fit into your lifestyle.


What sort of accommodation did you stay in - and what other activities were on offer?


Totally agree with you about the commitment of the SAR people - we do competition tracking - but just for fun - no serious real-life application. But it does involve the same element of the dog knowing what he's doing, and the human having to learn to figure out what the dog is saying. Well done to you and Jazz for your award. :rolleyes:

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Hi Barb,


Camp Dogwould is a lot of fun! The organizers rent an fully equipped children's camp (Easter Seals) so we have REALLY nice accommodations and facilities. Depending on when you register (early being better!) you have a choice of a single room, double or quad room with comfy beds. We bring our own bedding etc. All the meals are provided, they have a GREAT wine & cheese party on Friday night (dogs are invited) :rolleyes: It's located on a beautiful lake system so there is plenty of swimming for the dogs to cool down. While it's a 7 hour drive for me, it's worth it :D


This year our training sessions included tracking, SAR, tricks & games, reliable recall, 2 levels of agility, freestyle, competitive obedience, Rally obedience, disc dog and this year for the first time "Earth Dog" for the little terrierists :D You get 6 sessions of training, and then lectures in between. Except for the dining hall, you can take your dog with you everywhere. All this for $325.00 from Friday afternoon to Sunday night. Sunday afternoon they have fun competitions so you get chances to win great prizes!

It's great to meet new people and their dogs (or re-aquaint with people you see once a year at Dogwould). All in all, it's a nice break from the rat race :D

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Wow - that sounds fantastic, Kris - and cheap!


I'm going to the mainland in October, for a 6 day camp with the English trainer Mary Ray - she does general puppy training, obedience, agility, and of course the heelwork to Music (like freestyle) that she's famous for. Camp Tailwaggers is a purpose built facility - built by people who have large boarding kennels on 75 acres in the hills behind Queensland's Gold Coast - lovely views, and not too hot. They've built 10 self-contained cabins (each complete with fenced front yard and doggie door) - which sleep up to 3 people, a large dining area/conference centre with commercial kitchen, a huge roofed training area, concrete floor - now complete with lighting and a sound system - and a laundry and 3 large bathrooms to cater for people who tent-camp. I guess they'll do the same they did last year, and have different speakers coming in for lectures in the evenings.


They have other programs during the year, but I can't get there for the others - it's an overnight car ferry trip, and about 3 days solid drive! :rolleyes:

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