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young dogs's trials and apogees


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Welp. Had a lesson today. It was a mix of everything. One thing I have realized- is that my girl is still quite young and needs more cooking, but while she cooks, we may do a bit of work. This has taken the pressure WAY off me. So, we start today, and I have her do some outruns with the help of some trees, which enabled me to have sheep stay (in the shade), and her to have something to think about before/during the outrun. She did well. I was able to get her to lay off on the fetch without downing her- BIG thing. She did really well. Then we did some flank work, and she stayed off really nicely, and we had some very nice flanks with just verbal commands. It was all just plain old stuff, but it was nice to just have the pressure off, and mix it up. What a good girl she is. Someday we may even make it....


Well, nothing great to report, but given this section is fraught with so many of my ilk, I thought you might be interested.



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Good for you! Sounds like a really nice day working!


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