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I let Luke work the sheep a tad bit from outside the pen yesterday and the sheep started moving off of him rather them standing straigh at him. Then today I had my DH stand in the sheeps fav corner and took Luke in... and OH MY. IT WORKED. He brought them to me was 100% on his lie down! The sheep are real senstive so I have to get him to lie down quite a ways back then slowly move up and lie down again to keep them from RUNNING. But OH MY GOSH it WORKED!!!! I am so happy!!!!!!! I left it to MAYBE a 5 min lesson, I didn't want to stress the sheep as they were working with us for the first time! I am so excited! Once the sheep were stopped from going in that fav spot (thanks to DH) Luke was willing to go in behind them and bring them out!!!


Just had to share! I am still planning on a clinic though, but things are looking better.



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Great for you! Hope things continue to go well!


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That's great! I had considered suggesting that you put a dog outside the fence in the area where the sheep congregate, but I didn't think you had another dog. I admit I never thought of a husband. :rolleyes:


BTW, you might want to consider rounding out your corners if the sheep tend to gather there. Just put a panel diagonally across the corner so there's no sharp angle they can stick in, and it's easier for your dog to peel them off.

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