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NADAC obstacles

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Since the NADAC Exibitor's handbook is currently offline for updates, I was wondering if anyone here (Kat) could let me know which of the following classes includes either weaves and/or the teeter. There's a NADAC trial in late June that I am looking at going to, but haven't trialed NADAC yet. Also what's the purpose of 'Chances' since it's neither timed/faulted?









I would be doing Skilled Novice based on previous threads here promoting skilled. It would be with River, though I *may* do Jaida as well even though she's amazingly slow and doesn't yet weave.

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Since the NADAC Exibitor's handbook is currently offline for updates, I was wondering if anyone here (Kat) could let me know which of the following classes includes either weaves and/or the teeter. There's a NADAC trial in late June that I am looking at going to, but haven't trialed NADAC yet. Also what's the purpose of 'Chances' since it's neither timed/faulted?









I would be doing Skilled Novice based on previous threads here promoting skilled. It would be with River, though I *may* do Jaida as well even though she's amazingly slow and doesn't yet weave.


Chances, Regular will have weaves and maybe the Teeters - the Teeter has become a bad piece of equipment in NADAC, so some Judges are not putting it in their courses right now. NADAC is experimenting with some kind of other piece that is 12 feet long, I forget how wide, 12 inches high at the balance point and 32inch sides? I have no idea why the side thing. To me it sounds like a tippy cattle shoot. It sounds odd in any event.


Weavers is tunnels and weave poles


Touch'N Go is tunnels and contact equipment - again I don't know if there will be a teeter in it.


Tunnelers is just tunnels


Jumpers - no weaves or teeter

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Sorry to get off-topic, but do you know why the teeter has become a "bad" piece of equipment in NADAC? I wasn't aware....

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It is NO option. There will be NO teeters on NADAC courses until they find something different to use/a way to change it.

ETA: after doing tests they decided that the teeter puts to much concussion on the dogs. It is also very inconsistent between where you trial (different drop speeds). And lastly, the teeters purpose is to test the dog's ability to control and balance a moving surface - but with new training techniques, people train the dog just to run all the way to end and off the obstacle without the dog ever having to control it - therefore, it has sort of lost its original purpose. They at NADAC are trying to fix all of these things with either a new obstacle or modification of the current teeter.


Chances is the one that has the tape on the ground that the handler cannot cross. 3 things can be tested in chances:


Direction at a Distance

and Discrimination at at a Distance.


In Elite, all three challenges must be used, in Open - only two, and in Novice only 1. You get the 40 seconds to complete the challenge (which is in a sort of mini-course) and it is just a Q/NQ class. No placements or anything. You either did or didn't do it right. You can still get faults, which would mean an NQ. Chances is like the new Gamblers if you were familiar with that - testing specific skills.


Like said before:



Can have all obstacles but the courses are small (like 9 obstacles or so) and often don't include all equipment. No teeters for now.



All obstacles except the teeter for now



Jumps obviously. However, some jumpers courses may have a tunnel, and very rarely, two tunnels.


Touch N Go

just contacts and tunnels. But no teeters, so each piece of contact equipment (dogwalk and aframe) will be done twice in each course.



All weaves and tunnels. In Elite, there are two sets of 12 poles. In Open, 1 set of 12 and 1 set of 6. In Novice, 2 sets of 6. Usually the poles are performed a total of 3 times in the course



Super fast, Super fun, and all tunnels!!


There is a small possibility you would see at the trial the new classes:



Like a jumpers course but with a bunch of hullahoops set upright on the ground. To test "ground speed".



In training, some people use gates (you may have seen these...) well a gaters course is a whole bunch of those gates and the dog must run around certain ones.


Agility Obedience

This class is still in the making, but I will put it here anyway. for beginner dogs, it would have all the equipment but would be sort of like Rally. The dog would have to just do each piece of equipment separately (like with a sit in between or something). This should be a cool thing for Novice dogs once it gets a set of actual rules.


OK, maybe I have read the rulebook a few to many times.... :rolleyes:

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