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Our first time- on different sheep...


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Well folks, having been working with the same sheep - same flock, but changed up, I thought it might be nice to work Lucy on other sheep. These were hair sheep, not woolies like we work normally. When we got there the first thing we did was take a walk, and OF COURSE, there were two Canada Geese. Lucy does goose patrol, and immediately got into working mode. She eyed/stalked, but I did not release her- as you never know- someone might LIKE Canada geese on their property (YUCK!).

THen we just chilled in the car while the owner was busy. Was nice because sitting can be nice :rolleyes: Anyway, then it was time to catch and castrate/tag lambs. It went swimmingly with all the help- I helped catch.

Anyway, then I helped sort out some of the sheep we were going to use- I chinned the ewes we wanted after a dog got to the fence. So far so good for the day.

Then, we were the second team in with the sheep. This was a HUGE riding arena. No problem there, because we work in a several acre paddock. Okay, so I send her, and she is well, HIGH. She even let out a few barks. She was just over the moon to be able to work somewhere else and on NEW sheep. I swear if dogs could talk.... Anyway, after our first outburst, I was able to settle her in, and we actually did some nice gathers, and she downed nicely for me on the fetch, and the big thing- I asked for, and GOT a "that'll do". She was sooooo happy. No one got hurt, and the dog handled it pretty well- except for the um, tell tale white clumps left after we worked.. Fresh. She is. Anyway, the sheep were unscathed, and I was just glad that I had a handle (mostly on her). But I was reminded she is still so young.

It was a very nice day.


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Laura - I don't think you need to hold your breath as Nick is so natural and works so nicely for a puppy!!!


True... I learn slowly sometimes though. Not only that, but if I'd master the *not* holding my breath (with June, in particular) maybe the train wrecks I anticipate wouldn't be happening. Now THERE is some food for thought!

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