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My Dog Is Awesome

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So I've been begging for advice regarding some problems, and thanks, I really needed/need hivemind help and input. I thought some of you may be worried about poor Sonic stuck with his hyper owner so maybe it would reassure you that I recognize all the ways he is awesome.


My dog is awesome because:

He greets the plumber with calm polite enthusiasm.

He's completely cool about all the weird loud noises the plumber is making, hauling out the old hot water heater and putting a new one in.

He played nice with a dog out in the field.

He played nice with dogs on a three day weekend at a boarding facility.

He is awesome respectful with my cats.

When my cats go completely nutty and start darting about the house he doesn't chase them.

He walks nice on a loose leash most of the time.

He loves to play tug.

He loves to chase me.

He gives hugs, but (mostly) not unless invited.

He loves back scratches.

He's good with kids.

He's awesome with folks at the nursing home (neutral to calmly friendly).

He winds his way through a hallway crowded with walkers and wheelchairs as if they were rocks or chairs.

He settles and sleeps when we watch tv.

He doesn't pee in the house.

He doesn't chew things he shouldn't.

He's gorgeous.


I'm sure there's more.


How is your dog awesome?post-18458-0-71447100-1457191997_thumb.jpg

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