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Change in behaviors

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Hi there BC friends. Although I am taking my 21 month old BC to the vet this afternoon, I thought I might get some good feedback here. Lexie is a beautiful, black and white BC who I got from an animal rescue organization when she was 4 months old. She is very active and gets lots of off leash time chasing birds, lizards, balls and running free on the trails near my home. She does not do agility or herding. She is affectionate and playful. Last week I noticed that she stopped jumping up on my bed or the couch. She actually comes running to the furniture then abruptly stops. No coaxing will get her to jump up. There are no other symptoms; no limping. Although I have limited her off-leash time in the past few days to see if it helped, I did let her run this morninng and she seemed fine. Any thoughts? Thanks, Marlene

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This may sound silly to ask but has anything 'bad' happened on the furniture recently that would cause her to think she can't or shouldn't go up on it? Does she go up and down stairs still? Can you get her in the car by herself? Just curious, my first thought was maybe it was mental not physical.

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This may sound silly to ask but has anything 'bad' happened on the furniture recently that would cause her to think she can't or shouldn't go up on it? Does she go up and down stairs still? Can you get her in the car by herself? Just curious, my first thought was maybe it was mental not physical.


thanks for your thoughts. If only she could talk :D

Yes, she is still coming up and down the stairs; got in the car yesterday...hmmm. I don't think anything happened on the furniture (other than the cat spending more time on thecouch), but she also won't get on the bed. You could be right,though. The cat was on my bed last week and he hasn't been in my room in ages....we shall see if the Vet has any insight this afternoon.

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