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Another fun little course!

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I follow the AgilityNerd Facebook page and last week Steve posted a Danish jumping course that raised a few eyebrows. The course can be seen here:




The octagon of jumps is an excellent training tool, but it's not often you see that sort of thing in a trial. It would kind of blow my mind, actually, and I thought the course map was really trippy when he posted it. So of course I printed it out and told myself I'd set it on our next training day.


That was last night! I do think that the walk-through for this course at a trial would be a complete and total nightmare with everyone crammed on the inside of the octagon, but aside from that it ran a lot better than I expected. I was surprised at the lack of off course obstacles we had, as I expected several while bypassing jumps (Snooker skills are NOT our strong point!).


It was lots of fun -- If you have the capability, I recommend trying it out. I left the octagon set to hopefully work those types of drills later in the week -- very versatile!


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