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Where to find herding training for my "rescued" Border Collie?

Pat Barker

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I found a local trainer in Bow WA and my 4 yr old BC loved the two sessions he had. But, the trainer is not offering any weekend sessions for the next few months. (She competes her Aussies and handles others dogs as well in competition.) I would really like to continue his training and I've heard there is a trainer in Arlington, WA. Does anyone know who the trainer is and the exact adress in Arlington?

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The only person I found with a Google search in that area primarily works with Australian Cattle Dogs and seems also involved with the show ring (have you read the "read this first" at the top of the page?).


Since neither her primary focus and expertise is Border Collies and because she seems involved with showing, my advice would be to look further to find a person who is accomplished at training Border Collies and their owners (a successful Open handler with students who are also successful).


I'd suggest you check with Diane Pagel (located near Carnation, only about an hour and a half from you versus about 45 minutes to Arlington) to see if she is taking on new students or if she could recommend someone. You can find her here on these boards or Google "DeltaBluez" and Diane Pagel.


Best wishes!

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Hi Pat,


I'm from Bellingham, and the person you heard about in Arlington might be Brian Ricards, who I train with. Diane Pagel is also excellent but a little farther afield for you.


Contact me privately (jkling at gmail dot com) and I can put you in touch with Brian.



Jim Kling

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I don't know (or know of) Brian Ricards but the person I found via Google is someone else. I didn't realize he was located there also. Sounds like he might be a good choice and close to you.

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I give lessons on Sunday and Janet gives lessons on Sat. We welcome new folks and have people who drive well over an hour for lessons. Plsu we have a good group of people and we hang out and enjoy each other's company.


This Sat we are not available, but Sunday is open. You are more than welcome to come down and watch if you desire.


We are located in Carnation. We also work with ACD, Kelpies, Aussies, Rotties, Swedish Vallhund, GSD, mini Shelties as well as the Border Collies.



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