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Sand Creek Farm, NY trial in May

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I just noticed on the USBCHA site that there is a trial about an 90 minutes from me in Mendon, NY! I have never been to an actual legit trial. I went to one about 2 years ago and it was awful! A lady was screaming (in a very angry way) at her Rottweiler while he "worked" (ran around without hardly noticing the sheep)and everyone watched as if this were normal. I may not work my dog but I knew this was not right. We stayed for a about 30 minutes, watched a man with his BC who was calm, quiet and the opposite of many handlers there. We got a terrible feeling as if we were not welcome and we left. I later found out that this trial was put on by a local obedience club and was done AKC "style".


Anyways, I have been dieing to go to a real trial and wanted to know if/when there will be times posted for the Sand Creek Trial and what to expect when there (I know many people ask this question). However, I read on previous posts that this particular location has hosted trials in the past and wanted to know for this specific one...is it acceptable to take photos and should we bring food? Is there a better day to go on (1st or 2nd day) and does it go all day?

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You may not see a time posted for the trial. Generally, depending on how many entries, the trial will start as soon as it's light enough to see and then continue until all runs are completed. If it's an open trial, then there won't be times scheduled for specific runs; handlers are expected to estimate when they might run and be there in time (and generally they're staying on site or at nearby hotels, so it's not as if they need to know an exact time--they're there anyway).


Generally the USBCHA calendar lists a contact person. You could e-mail that person and ask when they're starting and if there will be any food on site or if you should bring your own (you can't go wrong bringing your own at any rate).


Wear comfortable clothing (including good shoes--it's a farm after all), in layers, and bring chairs to sit in. There shouldn't be a problem with taking photos--you'll have to stay behind the fence, but other than that, as long as you're not preventing everyone else from seeing what's going on, you'll be okay.


I haven't looked up the particular trial you're asking about, but usually each day is a separate trial, so the day you choose to go shouldn't matter.


I hope you get to go and have fun, and that you get some great photos you can post here!



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Thank you everyone! I did not see that you can scroll over on the site where there is contact info. Oops. I really hope I can go and get a real feeling for what trials with BC's are like. It is so amazing to see them work in person so it should be fun to see a variety of dogs from all over. I'll be sure to post any photos as well!

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Oh man! That is unfortunate. There is one in Cortland, NY in June, not too much farther away. Fetch Gate Farm Spring is the name. I'll plan on attending that one for now and keep my eyes open for the other one rescheduling. I was really hoping to attend at least one this year! They're usually several hours away though. <_<

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Not quite sure where in western NY state you are, but you might also wish to consider the PA State Championship SDT in June in Hop Bottom, PA (not very far south of the state line from Binghampton). It's a big trial, with several days of Open as well as some days of Novice trials. Because it's a big trial, they have a commentator who fills you in on what is going on (or at least they did when I attended last year). (This isn't always the case with other trials, but I've never been to Fetch Gate so don't know whether they have a commentator there). I for one have found it useful to have people filling me in on what's going on.


If I had a choice, I'd try to go to one of the Open (second choice being Nursery) rather than one of the Novice or Ranch trials. That's where you really get to see Border collies and their handlers at their best.


One thing about the course at Sheepy Hollow: it's a little unusual in that the spectators are set up at right angles to the fetch line. It gives you a bit better view of the entire course. You can really see when the dogs are hitting the "dead zone" where they really can't hear the handlers' commands. And you get a better view of the setout.

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The Sand Creek trial is cancelled and unlikely to be rescheduled.Fetch Gate trial is a good one to attend however I would suggest attending the July trial as it will be a better showcase of the Border Collie.The June trial is for the Nursery class for very young dogs about 2 years old.

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The Sand Creek trial is cancelled and unlikely to be rescheduled.Fetch Gate trial is a good one to attend however I would suggest attending the July trial as it will be a better showcase of the Border Collie.The June trial is for the Nursery class for very young dogs about 2 years old.


Thanks for the heads up!

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and if you feel like heading up north of the border there are a couple of good trials in Ontario. Grass Creek the second week of august is always great!


It will be the CBCA championships and an excellent open trial with about 140 dogs running; Usually listed on NEBCA.net, but check www.ontariobordercollieclub.com as well



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