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aggressive towards stock

Flying Dollar

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Hi Everyone..

One of my collies, Dexter, is very very aggressive towards smaller stock. He was started as a young dog using pigmy goats. He would bite even as a 11 month old but the trainer said he would rather see one too aggressive than not enough because he could tone down the aggression. But, he was afraid of larger stock...such as calves. A couple of years ago we got some goats (heavier meat type) and Dexter went on a goat mutilation. We eventually had to put one down and I gave the rest away. But he would do anything to get to those goats. How do you get an otherwise sweetheart of a dog to back off?

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Hmmm. I agree with your trainers assessment to not be too heavy on a keen young dog. That said, do you train in a round pen? Are you close by so that you can intervene? What about the goats- are they runny or heavy? Sounds like your collie needs ground rules 101. Do you use any aids like a rake, or a stick with a rag on the end? When does the "attack" happen? I would strongly suggest lessons with a real pro (and someone you trust), to restart this dog in the right mindset.


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