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Flyball question

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Hey, I've only done one UFLI tournament a couple of years ago, and I didn't run a start dog at the time. We're going to do UFLI next month, and someone said the lights are different. Anyone run start in both that can tell me the difference?

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My start spot was the same at the last U-FLI tournament I did. However my start spot is about 10 feet closer than it used to be with the OLD NAFA lights. I think the last time NAFA changed the programing on the lights they went to a 1 second cadence. The old one was 1.2 seconds. Not sure if there are the same number of yellows.


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It really does depend on how quickly you release a dog compared to the lights and how fast your dog is to the lights. I know my dog only changed by a couple feet back in U-Fli but know another that moved almost 10ft further back in U-Fli.


I would say move back 5ft and adjust from there. You can get the freebie false start so I would use it. Or if they offer SDR that night before maybe sign up so you can work the starts.

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Last one we did, I had to switch dogs at the last minute (injury) Not much help, I'm afraid. However, even starting w/ Zeph, I got a .000, so it can't be too different. If you're really worried about it, you could enter the start dog in singles if the offer it on the Friday evening portion.

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I think I found it online...UFLI has one less yellow light, so you release on the first yellow? That's the kind of stuff I was wondering. Also, the timing interval between the lights, if it's the same as NAFA.


I may just move back as you suggested, Kim. Thanks, guys.

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