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Where do you start?


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I have two border collies, Bealle & Buelah, and I know that Buelah would do wonders in herding, she has the 'eye' and has an endless supply of energy.So where do you start in training a border collie to herd?How do you get them to change directions or to get them to round the herd up?Shehas been taught to sit,place,down, and heel, which she usually follows from a distance.I would love for her to help me with the goats and would prefer to train her myself.So where do you start?

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Originally posted by Blue-bealle:

I know that Buelah would do wonders in herding, she has the 'eye' and has an endless supply of energy.


I would love for her to help me with the goats and would prefer to train her myself.So where do you start?

First your description of Buelah does not necessarily mean she will be good at herding; there are plenty of Border Collies that have these characteristics that are not good (and plenty that are good).


Secondly, I strongly recommend you find someone who gives lessons (preferably someone who has started a puppy, trained the dog up, and is doing well running in the Open class in USBCHA herding trials). A good way to find these people is to go watch a USBCHA herding trial; a listing of these can be found here: Upcoming Trials.



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I strongly second what Mark has said. Go to a good trainer and he/she will train you and your dog together. The trainer I go to isn't training my dog - she's training ME to handle and train my dog.


That same trainer can evaluate your dog to see what potential the dog has for stock work. It is well worth the time, effort, and cost to have a good trainer!


Best wishes!

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Goats especially can be very tricky, and bad experiences (for example, a severe butting) coupled with an inexperienced handler (that is, one who doesn't know enough to be able to help the dog handle difficult stock) can ruin an otherwise good dog. Best to get an experienced person to help you learn how to train your dog. I would especially look for someone experienced with goats.



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