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Lambs ran off


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My six lambs (6 months, they are purchased) ran off this morning. I spotted them an hour later going up my fire road. I had the dog but the road drops off pretty steep on either side and I was afraid the dog would spook them down the hill if I sent him. I decided to leave them alone assuming they would come back. They weren't back by 6 PM. So I took the dog to where I last saw them and put him on a lead and told him to find the sheep. He went to the end of the fire road where it T's and he took the left fork for about another 1000 yards where he headed down the steepest side of the mountain. I turned back, the brush was too thick to even follow him. Went back home and hoped they would appear this morning. But no sheep, any suggestions. By the way I just found out that lambs will run off, but after 1 year they won't.

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I got them back but not the way most people would think would work. I went back again with my dog and he tracked them to the very same spot but I had workers with me who cleared more of the trail but it still took me to a cliff. I was not willing to let my dog loose having visions of him sliding down the cliff and getting hurt so I headed back and planned to clear more road so I could leave food and water and try to coax them back. Then one of the workers spotted them and got behind them and as soon as they got to the fork in the road they literally ran most of the way back.

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