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train with healers?


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I have owned many dogs and other animals,but am fairly new with BCs.Am having trouble finding a trainer within 250 miles. Only 2 prospects present themselvs. A former military trainer SEA vet for obediance only. Don't know if he knows BC or not, but his name is squerril. The other is to inquire at local (50 miles) sheep ranches. All I have seen work Blue Healers.It is my under standing that the two are tottaly different methods of herding. Advice,even blunt advice welcome.

Never give up, never give up, never never give up. Sir Winston Spencer Churchill--during the Battle of Britan
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What is it you are trying to train for--obedience or stockwork? In any case, before choosing a trainer, go to the trainers you have found and watch them train. If you are comfortable with their training methods (comfortable enough to be able to use those methods yourself), then you can pursue those trainers you like best.


As for someone training blue heelers (aka Australian cattle dogs), one could make generalizations about the two different breeds, but if it's stockwork you want and the farmers are using the heelers to work sheep, then presumably they would be capable of training a border collie as well (but you will only know by going and watching them train).


Probably your best bet is to go to the Texas Sheepdog Association and ask advice on finding good trainers: Texas Sheepdog Association


For more information about the Texas Sheep Dog Association contact: Francis Raley, Secretary, 2915 Anderson Lane, Crawford, TX, 76638

254-486-2500 (phone) e-mail: f.raley@att.net (Francis is also secretary for the USBCHA, so she could definitely help you with the sheepdog training aspect if that's what you're looking for.)



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Thank you for the advice and the URL. Haveing watched Baby for a while, I think what she would enjoy most would be herding. How phisically demanding does it have to be on the handler. I have an arthritic hip. Would a walking stick with a seat be allowd. Some ranchers here work their dogs from horse back, would this confuse the issue? da61.jpg?phuybzBBWPe9Hp0p . Oh as to working ranches--don't be afraid to ask, but ASK.The ones I have talked to are graceias but don't like supprises. Believe it or not,there is still a little cow/sheep animosity out here in the West Texas desert. Thanks again.

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I know many people who have health problems and they're herding. An example, my hubbie. He was blown up in Viet Nam, walks with quite a limp, bad hip, bad knees, etc. He's out there almost everyday working his dog. At first training is harder on the handler, but as you progress, it gets easier.

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