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weave problems


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Maya learned to weave with the 2x2 method, she has been weaving 12 poles consistently for a couple of months now. But her training on 12 poles was sporadic (maybe once a week) I only had 3 sets of 2x2's at home so mainly we worked 6 poles.


Last week I set up my three sets of 2x2's and then put my 6 stick in the ground poles in to work on 12 poles. She was doing fabulous and starting to gain speed and getting better at her footwork. Then on Thursday it was like she just didn't want to do them anymore, she was not getting entries and skipping poles (especially skipping pole 3 and then pole 6).


My first thought was maybe injury but she is showing no sign of any injury at all, she just acts like she can't be bothered to do the weaves anymore. I am not ruling it out, but I really don't think it is an injury.


I am not sure what my next step should be (assuming it is not an injury, which I am going to be sure of before I go further):


I was thinking of going to back to 6 straight poles and working back up to 12, and if she is having trouble with that then opening up the poles.


OR staying with 12 poles and opening up the poles just a bit like channels...


any thoughts (other than ruling out injury I already know that)?

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It is really hard to give you advise b/c it could be many different things. Is there anyway you could make a quick video?


I will see what I can do, I have some before she started having problems video, and I can take some now. My problem is getting things uploaded to my computer. I will work on it and see what I can do though.

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