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New Group


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Hi all,


A new group has been created by the name of Shepherds, Guardians and


It is a list to discuss and share information about all aspects of

shepherding, guardian dogs, and livestock wether sheep, cows or goats.

Topics included are genetics, health of dogs and livestock, breeding,

pedigrees, farming, choice of dogs, trialling........ and more.

The main language is english, but other people speaking other languages are

welcome too. I'm sure there are some who can help translate, if necessary.

We are also looking into an instant universal translator.

You can join the list by clicking on this link:



Inci Willard




Inci Willard






It's better to be silent and thought the fool,than to speak and remove all doubt.

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Guest Charles Torre

Hi. I tried to join this group. I registered on the web ok for the "Shepherds..." group, but then when I login to check to see what is going on it tells me I don't belong to any groups and the group "Shepherds..." doesn't seem to exist. Is this thing only accessible via email, or can we do it via the web (like sheepdog-l)?



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Guest Charles Torre



In case anyone else is trying this group out. I could not get registered to the group via the smartgroups website. But I was able to register by email. This entailed sending email to




with a subject "subscribe". Then they send email back to you telling you how to confirm your registration. Then, if you're like me, you'll go to the group home page and tell it not to send you any email (web accesss only).


(Thanks Inci for your help figuring this out.)



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