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Event Photo Calendar

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I am putting together a photo calendar with USBCHA related dates for 2010. All of the photos will be sharp with high definition. (Not easy to do with black and white dogs). Most will be dog shots that I have done at a trial. Since my sheepdogs have led me many places, photos will be from various parts of the country. A few photos may be of stock, handlers, or dogs working, but not at a trial. I am using the events and dates from the upcoming events on the USBCHA web site that are listed now. If you have something planned (can be clinics, etc) that is not published on the USBCHA web site, I would include your date if sent to me.


AND YOU CAN SEND A USBCHA listed date just to make sure I don't miss it. I need summer and fall event dates! I will complete this calendar in the next week .


Please use "calendar date" and only "calendar date" in the subject line. Send to dogworks@bellsouth.net Info needed:


1. date, name of event, city and state.


2. Contact person and email. (or not)


3. I will also note a trial that has been established for 3 or more years in a row. I know the major trials that reoccur, (Bluegrass, Meeker, Grass Creek) but might not be aware of reoccurring trials in areas of the country in which I have spent little time. The calendar will carry a disclaimer that dates and events may change.


4. If I have photographed during your trial, I might include a photo from your trial as one of that month's featured photos. If you would like to include some extra history about your trial ( should be a trial where I have been as I am only using my photography) , send it along.


An example of extra history : For the month of May, I plan to use a Bluegrass photo and include some of the spiel listed on the home page of that great trial. Likewise Sept. will be Meeker.


Should I select a photo which includes a person, if I plan to identify the dog, or if the dog is unquestionable identifiable by it's markings, you will be contacted for permission to use. No photo will display a dog doing less than admirable work.


Rest assured that no other events sanctioned by other groups will be integrated in this calendar. ; )


Should this calendar turn out to be a popular item, I would have them available at trials at $5 over cost. But for right now, I plan to use them as gifts. We will see how the project turns out.


Thank you, Maureen Scott Robinson, DogWorksDigital

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