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WhooHoo, bad day leads to a good one

Debbie Meier

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For the last week the sheep have been going out on the corn stubble on the 80 acre field around our farm. Yesterday I took JJ and Ben out individually to give them a little expirence out in the open with no fences, JJ did great, Ben...well not so great though I can find some goods things in what he offered.


After I worked with the boys I went to send Jake out to bring the sheep in, well they were out on the edge of the field grazing in the ditch next to the road in a far corner. Didn't really think too much about it, but typically they are out in the field away from the road a bit more when I send Jake.


Anyway, as Jake came around, a ewe with three lambs popped out of the ditch, Jake got sucked in and proceeded to drive them toward home, I stopped him and redirected him but he refused to take the redirect. Things have been going so well with him over the past week, this totally threw me. I opted to stop him again and then walked him up allowing him to drive the ewe and lambs closer to home, this seemed to reduce the draw back to the rest of the flock, I lied Jake down, the ewe continued to float towards home. At that point I gave Jake a lookback, hoping the distance from the ewe would help him release, and he was off to collect the rest of the sheep. The sheep were soggy with a couple of stagglers in the back, once again Jake got stuck on me, hooked hard on the stragglers ignoring the rest of the flock. This time I walked out (sucks having to walk out acrossed the field) and took him to task, time to do a little tuning. I finished the session by doing short flanks, stops, call offs and drives closer at hand rebuilt some distance finishing up with returning the sheep to barn.


So, today I turned the sheep out, what did they do, ambled right back to that corner. I figured lets see what happens, sent Jake but this time I asked him to stop a couple time on his way out just to remind him that his mind needs to stay with me. Totally different dog, he lifted perfectly bringing all the sheep at a good pace right toward me. I then flanked him around off balance and had him cross drive them out towards the middle of the field. Gave him a that'll do and called him off. I like this dog, I think I'll keep him (LOL).


I figure that today's good results were in part do to the sheep being in a different mindset, I just hope that what happend yesterday will eventually lead to success in adverse conditions other places. Anyway, it's a good day, I found something to watch out for and work through with my dog. Boy strong draws are a tough deal for us.

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Good training- but is this field on a road? Are you worried about cars?



Gravel road, little traffic. Before I send the dog I watch for a plume of dust in the distance, no dust no cars (well except after it rains). Also, from where our farm sits we can see 3 miles down the road to the west and 4 miles to the east with the exception of one low spot. The majority of the traffic is either guys going to the hog confinements, tractors/combines and farmers going from farm to farm.

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