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Help! I've created a monster.

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Are you planning on introducing her to stock and eventually trialling with her? She's the little pup from Jack Knox, right? If you are, I'd get in contact with Jack to see if he has some time for you and your pup, the garbage she is throwing at you is going to haunt you on down the road if you don't get some change, and the change has to start with you and your expectations....I'm just imagining how Jack would handle your little bundle of energy, oy.



I have thought and thought about whether or not to get her trained. I can't do that myself. I would have to have her trained. And I also could never handle her - I would have to have someone else do that, too. Some things you just have to brutally honest about. And I am just horrible at training. I just don't have the timing to be good trainer. And believe me I tried and tried. My working ability is a joke.


So what is the point? I would pretty much have to give my dog to someone else so she could work. And then I would have to go find a pet from showlines. (Just joking) And Ellie would be heartbroken. She thinks Tommy is the best thing since white bread.


Jack knew that I most likely would never do stockwork with Tommy - except maybe fun day sorts of things. And he told me that her color could make stockwork a problem. She is almost all white - except for a black mask and black ears and one black leg.


But I never say never. You just never know. Something might work out for us.

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Well, my dear, I guess you may be at a cross roads with your pup. Personally I would be leaning toward the working dog side of things as far as learning how to teach your dog to behaive in a manner that is proper for a stock dog. Regardless of your ability as a trainer, no matter what you still have to train your dog and you are a trainer so you best embrace it. And, trust me, it is no fun going to a fun day when your dog is running amuck, especially one that is stock driven, nope, no fun at all.... :rolleyes: , it's like trying to catch a tiger by the tail. It get's fun when you can relax and see what you and your dog can do together.


In regards to timing, for the most part timing is more about understanding what you are trying to show the dog and accomplish, if you are uncertain what the requirement is that you are enforcing or showing your timing is going to be off (unless you get lucky). In most cases if you school yourself and really know and understand what the job is yourself the timing will be there, you have to really want it, live it and breath it. It's a lot of work and dedication, but it pays you back many times over.


Deb :D

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Well, my dear, I guess you may be at a cross roads with your pup. Personally I would be leaning toward the working dog side of things as far as learning how to teach your dog to behaive in a manner that is proper for a stock dog. Regardless of your ability as a trainer, no matter what you still have to train your dog and you are a trainer so you best embrace it. And, trust me, it is no fun going to a fun day when your dog is running amuck, especially one that is stock driven, nope, no fun at all.... :rolleyes: , it's like trying to catch a tiger by the tail. It get's fun when you can relax and see what you and your dog can do together.


In regards to timing, for the most part timing is more about understanding what you are trying to show the dog and accomplish, if you are uncertain what the requirement is that you are enforcing or showing your timing is going to be off (unless you get lucky). In most cases if you school yourself and really know and understand what the job is yourself the timing will be there, you have to really want it, live it and breath it. It's a lot of work and dedication, but it pays you back many times over.


Deb :D

Oh, I agree with you 100%. And if I was young and could start again I would go for it. I wish I could just start all over. Knowing what I know now. I just did not know enough. I started with the wrong dogs because I had no idea what kind of dogs I needed to have. My first dogs had almost no instinct - just a little gathering ability was all. There was no way we could get very far.


Then I did get some dogs with decent stock ability but their health wasn't good. One had severe dysplasia and couldn't work by the time she was 3 or 4. the other one had siezures and then dropped dead in a thunderstorm - so he must have had a bad heart, too.


And the other thing I didn't have was a place to go where there was a good instructor. I just kind of had to fumble along trying to figure stuff out myself.


For young people starting out it is just so important to take the time and get a really good dog. And then start researching where to find a really good instructor.


Otherwise you must spend years messing around and not getting anywhere.


That's the reason this site is so important. Young people can come on here and find out where they can get a good dog and who lives close to them so they can find a good instructor.


I feel like I am too old now to try it again. But like someone told me when I went down to Jack's in December - jlook at Ethel Conrad. Wasn't she still working dogs in her 80's. What a trooper.

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I was at a sheepdog trial last weekend with a 90-year old handler. He did say he felt to old to ride down the field on horseback carrying the flag on Memorial Day, but he did run a couple of dogs. I don't think it's ever too late to learn.



I would absolutely love to try again. I'm 61 but my legs till work. I can't across the pastures and jump the fences like I used to be able to do.


But I still don't have anyplace to go where I can work with someone that I have confidence in. I'm sure Jack is too busy for that sort of thing. And probably too expensive for me. That is about an hour and a half away. There is a woman in Cameron that trains. I haven't ever met her and have no idea if we would get along. That is about 50 miles away.


Hey, I think the drag line is working. Every time Tommy tries to take off on one of her trips around the back yard she gets all hung up and I have to go untangle her. Its breaking up the pattern, that's for sure.

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If I could train with Jack or Kathy (my fav) and only drive 1 1/2 hours, I'd be there. You might at least check with them and see what might be possible. I sure would if I were in your place...

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They have a ton of clinics in your area - Jack,, Kathy, both, and other handlers as well. That would be plenty just to get an overall feel for what needs to be done in your relationship with your pup. There are a ton of handlers around here who only ever go to the Jack Knox or Kathy Knox clinics, maybe three or four times a year. They have fun, socialize with other handlers, catch up with the Knoxes, and get advice (whether they want it or not! :rolleyes: ) on their dogs.


Then they also have the trials. If you go and hang out at the trials, you'll meet more people and possibly someone who would be closer with the time to help. I think you are right in that Jack doesn't do lessons, but I don't know about Kathy.


Here's the association in your area, with information about clinics and trials:


Show Me Stock Dog League


Well, it's not up to date, oops, but there's contact information. Don't hesitate to get in touch with any of those folks - they'd be glad to let you know what's going on.


Good luck!

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Jack was supposed to have a spring clinic in April but I never saw anything about it. Tommy really wasn't old enough then anyway. Her legs were still too short. But she could be in one now, I think.


Jacvk had mentioned the ShowMe group. I think they are still active around here. A couple of those phone numbers look like Jack' area around Butler.


I've been watching.

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