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Presentation + Question

Marcelo Monteiro

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Hello Every Body,


My Name is Marcelo Monteiro, i live in Brazil in a city called Campo Grande.

A few weeks ago we formed a group of friends that are starting to practice herding together, so we can get better in training our dogs, and starting a organization to promote the breed and the herding.


I here we work with sheeps too, but looking forward to mke all of them (dogs ) to work with cattle (the biggest production in our state).

That was just an introduction about us. By the way our group name, that we hope in the future become a oraganization, is NCP-MS (Stock Dogs Nucleus).


Now for the question, i have a couple of BC´s, both are 1 year and 7 months(male) and 2 years and 1 month (bitch), my problem working with them is that when i work with them on the open, by the end of the outrun, they get toooo close to the sheeps, and scare them around or sometimes they just run in to them.

How can i fix that ?? the start of the outrun is good, but than they just cut the way directly to the sheeps.


tnks fot the help!




PS: pictures of my dogs below ( Male - Black One, Bitch - White One)



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Hi Marcelo and welcome to the boards. How far are you sending them on outruns? Do they flank properly when you work them up close? From your brief descrition, it sounds like you might be asking too much of them for their level of training/experience. If they are not flanking properly (and coming to balance and lifting properly toward you) up close, then there's no way you can expect them to do it at a distance. I'd back up to whatever distance that they are doing it right and work back up to longer distances from there. If I have misinterpreted what is going on, then maybe you can give a more detailed description of the circumstances in which this problem is happening.



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Hi Marcelo

I am currently the proud wearer of a Brizilian Stockdog association clothing patch on my coat.


I had a chance to meet the president of that stockdog association and if you are interested I can get you their iniformation.


I could try to give advise but bet it would be way more helpful if we found some pro's in your area to help you.

Let me know if you want the info.


Goodluck and welcome

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Tnks Kisten and Julie,


And actualy, Thats what i did this week ( what julie proposed) and it helped a lot, i came back to the round pen, and they are doing better.

They are working mutch far from the sheeps, but still havent tryed to go out and see if they got better out there, i thnk im going to stick a little more slow, and start working work with them in medium distances than going to get longer runs .. .


tnks again


PS: sorry about my english

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