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that'll do training


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i was just wondering if this is accurate information as i am getting my new border collie puppy wiskey tomorrow. Never fear we have done lots and i mean lots of research my husband is sick of me saying hey babe caus ehe knows it is something about border collies lol. I do want to teach her that'll do for come we are teaching her many things as my hubby and i are knowledgable in training, but i have read this article about training border collie puppies before they go to a trainer and was wodnering if this technique actually works. as well i was wondeirng best way to teach the down we know how to teach down but how do we teach down to a puppy who is in process of chasing something? does it just happen because they know down already? this is the advice of that'll do that i have read

when walking puppy and when puppy catches up to you that'll do when teaching come say that'll do as well once taugh down do not say stay just say that'll do when you are allowing puppy to move from laying down and come to you. i abreviated it a little but that is basically it. oh it also said when the puppy gives you eye contact say that'll do than it will associate you /me with that'll do. any other advice on border collies that you feel liek shareing will be great. Oh yes how can i also prevent the herding of my children and nipping of ankles i read that these dogs are known for this. Should i just say that'll do to get her to come to me to stop it or is there a certain training? my daughter is 2 my son is an infant. i am not really concerned we will have an issue but if we do i would like to be prepared. (Wiskey is going to eventually be working on the farm my hubby works on we don't need ehr for work but eventually he will be taking her with him to stimulate her and give her a purpose so we are trying to train her the basics to prepare her, his uncle is ging to work with her once she is out there he has 4 border collies that are for work we are loaning ours lol)

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