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Scores vs runs

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We ran in a local trial this week-end. Grenzehund ran Rafe and I ran Hamish and Kyzer. I won't speak here for Grenzehund except to say that we were happy with all three dogs even though they didn't get the high points overall.


Kyzer had two great things going this week-end--his first trial. He was great with ALL the people he encountered--friendly, happy to be scritched, approaching people on his own and assuming they'd be friendly and not scary. We still need to do some work with handling other dogs, but he's coming along there too. As for the running--it was his first time on an unfamiliar field and with an unfamiliar holder. It was also a longer outrun than he'd ever done and much lighter sheep. He needed help on both runs (the first run, he thought he needed to fetch from the exhaust--the exact opposite side of the field from the set-out, but I walked toward the right sheep and he went on the outrun; the second run, he got to the top after a nice outrun but seemed unsure what to do and ran the sheep around some--no gripping, though and he settled them and got them back together and brought them at a reasonable pace to me.). My goal for the trial with him was to see where we need to work and I did that and got his first trial legs under him.


Hamish was extremely controlled both days and did what I asked. The judge told me both days what a nice dog he is and that any problems were me not reading the sheep right--no real surprise there. :rolleyes: We didn't get the pen the first day and I decided that that was my main focus for today. I was going to pay better attention to the sheep. Amazingly enough and for only the second time at a trial, we got the pen and this was a fairly seamless pen, so it felt very good. I finally flanked Hamish without stopping him too short and he neither overflanked nor sliced in.


Although we didn't score well (the fetch was off-line for most of the way), for me they were pretty much successful runs and I was confirmed again in how much I really love the way that trials serve to focus attention on the task so much more acutely than is often true in more "regular" work sessions. I don't know if it's the spectators, the judge or just the different atmosphere, but I really like it.


Since I've also often come here seeking advice for problems, like Laura, I wanted to share a more positive experience, too.

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When I used to run my first dog in Novice (that's as far as we got and I have not been running at all in recent years), the score or placing was never so important as was my feeling about how well I felt my dog did, or what good things he showed me. As we were not making much progress (another story there), and I began to be more concerned with what went wrong no matter what went right, I stopped running him.


I'm happy for you!

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Sounds like a successful trial experience to me! I, too, and amazed at how uniquely trials serve to focus attention on the task at hand and really show what still needs a little work. Congratulations on some nice runs and on penning with Hamish :rolleyes:

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I just bulit some panels the weekend to set up in my pasture to work the dogs and sheep. Hearing you say that the trial work really focus's attention on the task is exactly why I built them, as I didnt think we had much direction in our work sessions and thought it may help. I dont have a lot of real work for the dogs very often. We have used them 2 days now and I think I like that it does give more direction to the work session as well as shows me where I do and dont need to handle so much or more. It also shows me that my dog is or isnt reading the sheep, and teaches me to watch the stock more than I watch the dog. Congrats on a good trial day. Sounds like you learned a lot and had a good time.

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