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First time at Willowside Ranch


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Just want to say thanks to everyone who gave us advice on traniers and especially Carolyn for hooking us up with Derek. We took the dogs to Willowside Ranch for a lesson with Derek Fischer last week. Our dogs loved it. Our 6 month old pup Abby who saw sheep for the first time did great! Derek said she was very keen and has potential. Our old 8 yr, Indy hasn't been around sheep in about 4 years is actually better then he ever was. I think its because he is a little older now. He was already eyeing sheep in the barn while we were across the road talking to Derek. I was kind of surprise how young Derek was but he is a great trainer. Derek is very informative, encouraging and laid back. He was just a breath of fresh air compared to our old instructor who I thought was little too rough on dogs and we never got enough time with the sheep because she had too many students. We were in a small pen because I was unsure of how the dog will do but we'll be using the field this weekend.


Here is Indy. He started a little slow but warmed quickly





Here is our little Abby seeing sheep for the first time. Not exactly field champion material but she had fun.







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I met Derek when he judged at the Bluegrass in 2007 (I think that's the year). I did not expect to like him but found that I enjoyed him very much, he is a natural teacher, and he was thoroughly nice to be around. A sort of surfer-dude kind of handler with a magic touch and a keen eye might sum up my impressions.


Give my best to him - tell him I was an older lady who scribed a bit for him at the Bluegrass, and tell him "thanks" for the fruit (and especially the strawberries).

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That looks like fun! I can't get over the pictures of dogs working on dirt though - though I sometimes curse the rain here, I have to say it makes the grass lovely and soft! Did you have any problems with your dogs ripping pads? I suspect my crew would have torn their pads to shreds.


Bet you can't wait for your next lesson!

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Just want to say thanks to everyone who gave us advice on traniers and especially Carolyn for hooking us up with Derek. We took the dogs to Willowside Ranch for a lesson with Derek Fischer last week. Our dogs loved it. Our 6 month old pup Abby who saw sheep for the first time did great! Derek said she was very keen and has potential. Our old 8 yr, Indy hasn't been around sheep in about 4 years is actually better then he ever was. I think its because he is a little older now. He was already eyeing sheep in the barn while we were across the road talking to Derek. I was kind of surprise how young Derek was but he is a great trainer. Derek is very informative, encouraging and laid back. He was just a breath of fresh air compared to our old instructor who I thought was little too rough on dogs and we never got enough time with the sheep because she had too many students. We were in a small pen because I was unsure of how the dog will do but we'll be using the field this weekend.


Here is Indy. He started a little slow but warmed quickly




I am so glad you enjoyed your lesson with both dogs and like Derek. And you don't have a really long driver plus it is so pretty over on the coast! Like a mini vacation.


I am going to try and get to the tail end (about 3 pm as I work Sat's until 2pm) of our club's work day on 9/27 at Willowside. If you can go it might be fun for you to meet some club members and see alot of dogs, I suspect of all levels working. Go to www.norcalsheepdog.org for info on it. I'll have one or two dogs, not sure yet.


Best of luck at future lessons and HAVE FUN.




PS Derek looks young because he is! He started early winning the Nat'l Nursery Finals, Meeker, etc.

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That looks like fun! I can't get over the pictures of dogs working on dirt though - though I sometimes curse the rain here, I have to say it makes the grass lovely and soft! Did you have any problems with your dogs ripping pads? I suspect my crew would have torn their pads to shreds.


Bet you can't wait for your next lesson!





That ground at Pescadero is nothing compared to most here in this part of CA ( and other parts I would guess, as the state is in a 3 yr drought.). At Coalinga ( near Sacramento ) this yr in Feb there were several lame dogs and several wearing vet wrap.


Sure hope we get rain this winter.




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My dogs represent the ranges of variation in foot toughness. Solo's feet are rock hard and have only torn once since I've had him, when he was worked way too hard, way too long, on rocky soil by someone I never went back to again (this was on the east coast). Fly, by contrast, has terrible feet and tears pads quite often. Her feet are so soft that if I ever had bred her (not that this was ever on my radar screen), I would only have bred her to a dog with really hard feet. That said, she never tore pads while we were in Northern California.

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That looks like fun! I can't get over the pictures of dogs working on dirt though - though I sometimes curse the rain here, I have to say it makes the grass lovely and soft! Did you have any problems with your dogs ripping pads? I suspect my crew would have torn their pads to shreds.


Bet you can't wait for your next lesson!


Yeah it was pretty darn dusty. The main field which is to the right in the picture is where we'll be next time. Its not completely grass but at least its not loose dirt.

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Just finished up another lesson at Willowside Ranch. Indy is becoming more comfortable and putting more pressure on the sheep. Abby had her on and off moments. Here is one of those moments.




She is still maturing and I don't mind. It will be her last lesson for a while. She is getting spayed this week. Wish us luck!


I did get any pictures of Indy because I was learning and trying to handle him. Derek said since Indy is more mature dog, he will be a good dog to learn on and good training for me when Abby gets a little older.

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Just finished up another lesson at Willowside Ranch. Indy is becoming more comfortable and putting more pressure on the sheep. Abby had her on and off moments. Here is one of those moments.




She is still maturing and I don't mind. It will be her last lesson for a while. She is getting spayed this week. Wish us luck!


I did get any pictures of Indy because I was learning and trying to handle him. Derek said since Indy is more mature dog, he will be a good dog to learn on and good training for me when Abby gets a little older.




Sounds as though Derek has a good plan for you and your dogs.


Good luck with Abby's Dr appt this week.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Caution:Topic is begininer in nature :rolleyes:


I'm so proud of Indy. We have been going to Willowside every week for few weeks. We had a sunset session last (due to heavy traffic) with Derek. Indy and I are both still very new to herding but Indy is progressing nicely each time he sees sheep. We just started working his stays while on stock last weekend and last night it only took me a couple try to get him to stay when the sheep was between me and him. Derek was there the whole time letting us do our thing but stepped up to help us with advice and help when we needed it. We put the flock against the fence in couple areas and Indy was able to turn both ways. We messed up a few times but that was to be expected. Indy has really good balance. Because he is an older dog, we are consistently working increase his speed. I think Indy loves it. He can't seem to take his eyes off the sheep even as we were driving away to go home.


My only concern with him is that I think he has arthritis. He is a little slow/sore getting up at night (has been this way for a 8 months now) I've been feeding him some glyco flex and I'm slowly putting him on a diet. He could probably lose 7-8 lbs. I'm going to him to the vet some just to make sure everything is okay. I just wish we stuck with herding 5 years ago.

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Well, better late than never, really. Don't let regrets get you down, just enjoy the ride. It sounds like you're both coming along nicely!


A vet check sounds like a good idea, and if Indy's a bit heavy, you will only improve his mobility and health by helping him lose some weight. I give Glycoflex to my gang, I think it's a good product.

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I recognize Derek by his white belt...although he is missing his So. Calif. madras shorts. If I'm going to spend $$$ on training, I want to like the person. And, I thoroughly enjoyed working with Derek when he was in our neck of the woods.

Derek can talk a blue streak and all the time he can read sheep like the likes I haven't seen before. Very fun and informative. Glad you are enjoying his instruction. I wish I lived in northern California. Yep, the dirt, cactus, burrs, and rocks are hard on our dogs feet here in So. Calif.

This last summer I trialed in Washington....what a dream for my dogs....green fields! Well, heck of a site softer and greener than here.

Hi to Derek from Suzanne Jet, Kilt and Yoko

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