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A question about Derek Scrimgeour's DVD


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Is anybody using Derek Scrimgeour's idea of being "easy on the dog and hard on the ground" for herding? I have started using it, after watching his DVD "Training Secrets of a Hill Shepherds" and it works great, my maniacal runner border collie was transformed, and it made me understand what was had been doing to her earlier. I had a herding session like I never had before.


Since it seems to work so well, I don't want to do something wrong, so here goes my questions:

Do dogs become desensitized to it? Thus if so, should use the idea of the ground 'in trouble' as sparingly as possible?


Also, on the DVD, it seemed to me, that the ground that was 'in trouble' could be quite far away and that it was enough to point at it in the air. It that right?


Best wishes,


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