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BC's/Herding in Alaska?

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Hello, I am new to the boards, and I am looking for information about BC's, herding, and whatnot in Alaska. I've read the general info extensively, but I'd like to speak with a few people in the Anchorage/Mat-su area so that I can have an idea of what resources are available up here. Thanks in advance!

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Alaska is in the Petersburg area.

No herding in my area, none whatsover. Anchorage/Wasilla is a different matter. Don't know if you've already done a web search, but here are some Alaska "herding" (I use the term loosely) sites to look at:


Shetland sheep in Wasilla, Alaska

Alaska Herding Group Club


There are a few SAR BCs in Alaska, a little agility, lots of wilderness to explore with your dog.


Another Anchorage-area member who hasn't posted in a while is "Tuuli".

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