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I have a young male, he is one. I have been basic training with him for some time and a couple of months ago I began taking him to stock for very basic training and he is a little shy although willing. He was the smallest and shyest of his litter. He has always been passive with us and our other dogs although he frequently wrestles and plays with the other dogs. He is good with people but likes to play hard. He has been somewhat difficult to train but he is young and I am willing to wait for him. We took him to a training session with other dogs just over a month ago. Since then he has been showing very aggressive behavior toward other dogs. He barks, shows his teeth etc. When he is in the truck and we pass another dog he has a fit. I cannot trust him around other dogs. I am stuck, I have not seen this before in my dogs, I do not know where it comes from and I need some advise on what to do about it. We have done something but have no idea what. Thanks.

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This sounds more like a general training/behavior issue rather than a stockdog training issue, and you might get more responses if you repost it in the "general" section instead of the stockdog training section, as this latter section is for specific training issues on stock. There are lots of folks who read the general section that don't read this section who can give you good advice.



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