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How do they know?


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I am just a rank novice in all of this, but I made an observation yesterday when working my dog, and a question came up... Here is the scenario- send the dog, outrun good, lift good- didn't have to do much to have that- dog came with that. But, some times things go well, down the you know what, and dog is short, or, what have you- yeah, great, but I figure I will need to ensure she knows that is wrong. Anyway, so I tell her to get out of it, and she does? She gets right out, and fixes it, and comes in right. Now, how do they know what is right? They are just born knowing it is right, and when they get lazy, or for whatever reason, decide to cheat- they can now just pull the rabbit out of the hat and do it right? What is that about? Is it really just a simple concept that I don't get? I guess I am impressed that by me just telling her something is wrong, and her just fixing it without me describing how, that she can.... I know, glaring neophyte here.

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