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Puppy comes home a Dog

Pippin's person

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We danced a happy dance yesterday after we received a sheepdog back from our trainer to whom we'd entrusted our "puppy".


It became clear a few mos. ago that seeing sheep once a week was not enough for Kyzer. At 12 mos old, he hadn't moved much beyond diving and splitting sheep, pouting and running off to sulk when confronted with even mild correction and generally acting like the pampered, suburban boy he was raised as :rolleyes:. We had given him corrections during his general "household" training, but that didn't translate for him or make him less sensitive to them on the sheep and it was virtually impossible to work him on the sheep because of his sulking.


So, with some trepidation, we left him with our trainer (who also bred him) in October. We got to see him work yesterday. The difference is amazing. He has a good stop, is keen, keeps nice distance and balance, takes both flanks, takes correction and generally acts like a dog who likes his job.


We would have figured out a different job for him if he hadn't turned on, of course, but it just made our day (and week and month) to see him work.

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It is like little else I've experienced to see the dog work for the first time--maybe that's why we keep getting dogs; just to get the fix.....


Alas, no video of the little imp. I'd sort of forgotten about my video camera, now that you mention it, so maybe next time around


Off to shovel the many inches of snow...NC Julie, I hope you guys finally got some rain. Kelpie Julie--watch out for what's on its way to you.

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Great news, Robin, though being Dexter's nephew, you should not have had any worries. ;-)


To clarify, I think you meant to say that the trainer was also Kyzer's breeder, not that she bred him him while he was out for training.


Ha!--the alternative reading would make for much more interesting discussion though... :rolleyes:


ETA: Even though he's Dexter's nephew, I think he mostly takes after dad in the looks dept. His head really broadened out while he was gone and he's got that same thick rough that Shep has. Now he really looks like a pit bull mix.

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ETA: Even though he's Dexter's nephew, I think he mostly takes after dad in the looks dept. His head really broadened out while he was gone and he's got that same thick rough that Shep has. Now he really looks like a pit bull mix.


No way. :rolleyes: I think I need to see photographic evidence!


Congrats on your puppy coming into his own, sheepwise. That must've been thrilling to see. Is he home with you now, or staying for more training?


Pics, seriously, please!

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